Mathematics Department
State University of New York at Buffalo
Buffalo, NY 14260-2900
Office: 111 Mathematics Building
Phone: (716) 645-8764
Fax: (716) 645-5039
Spring 2024:
MTH 241-College calculus 3
Fall 2023:
MTH 251-Honors calculus 3
MTH 635-Differential geometry
Spring 2023:
MTH 251-Honors calculus 3
MTH 428/528-Introduction to topology II
Fall 2022:
MTH 465/565-Elementary differential geometry
Spring 2022:
MTH 241-College calculus 3
MTH 311-Introduction to higher mathematics
Fall 2021:
MTH 727-Topics on 3-manifolds
primary research field is geometry and topology of 3-dimensional manifolds.
Publications and preprints