"A Red Love Note," Left Front (January-February, 1934)
"Rest for the Weary," Left Front (January-February, 1934)
"Strength," The Anvil (March-April, 1934)
"Children of the Dead and Forgotten Gods," The Anvil (March- April 1934)
"Everywhere Burning Waters Rise," Left Front (May-June 1934)
"I Have Seen Black Hands," New Masses (June 26, 1936)
"Obsession," Midland Left (February, 1935)
"Rise and Live," Midland Left (February, 1935)
"I Am a Red Slogan," International Literature (April, 1935)
"Between the World and Me," Partisan Review (July-August, 1935)
"We of the Streets," New Masses (April 13, 1937)
"King Joe" (aka "Joe Louis Blues") song lyrics, reprinted in New York
Amsterdam Star News (October 18, 1941)
"Haikus," Studies in Black Literature (Summer, 1970)
"Ten Haiku," New Letters (Winter, 1971)