Pyschic Stories

Keep On Going

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Pyschic Stories
(translated by Stuart Friebert)

Nothing's wrong. No one's
outwitted. One likes to eat
and sleep, keep
to the average.
What's wrong? What's eluded us?
Of course there are also
psychic stories.
And that's the hard part.
Suddenly there's no
deceiving yourself.
Feeling's involved, among other things.
Your blood pressure changes
really quickly.
And in no time, fear
turns up, it's lost its tongue.
You don't know know if
you should make a move.
You don't move.
The terror doesn't make a sound.

Keep On Going
(translated by Stuart Friebert)

I go around some street corners
and have an idea in my head clear as a picture
of time between March and October.
I like the cut-out
I'm moving around in,
slowly, toward change,
dying of something, while I
just keep on going, at least for the moment -
how do you write about
still being alive
among objects that are all used up
and possessions that shine,
lists without specifics, so to speak?
Some things just wait for me
to stop defending myself.
In the air
shining insects.


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