We are pleased to meet you. We are a group of African American men practicing, and dedicated to, the quality of life, successful manhood and parenting, economic growth and development, and the pursuit of excellence and spiritual development. For information about our organization contact one of the members below.
contents of this page |
our special web pages |
The Million Man March: WHAT NEXT? |
Other Events of Interest |
Circle Computer Users Group |
E-mail members of the Circle? |
Harlem Renaissance Website Links |
of African Americans |
Opened 2/28/96. Last update 04/04/00
Several members of our organization have studied with the Rites of Passage Institute.
The Circle Brotherhood Association conducts Community Dialogues for action as a community educational service. They are open to the public and often are age and/or gender specific. Below are the titles of a few of our Community Diaologues:
Police Racial Profiling: Myth or Reality? (in particular "driving while black") Saturday February 26, 2000 - Juneteenth Festival Building, 1517 Genesee St. (at Moselle). 9:30-11:30
How to make our Streets Safer
Fatherhood and Education - Who's Responsible?
In Search of Community
Justice or Just Us
Fatherhood and Family Safety
Conflict Resolution and Black Family Harmony
Black Male and Female Relationships
How to Improve the Health of Black Men
How to Develop More and Better Block Clubs
Is Television Harming Our Children?
Why Study Black History?
New Visions of Money Management: An Expanded Definition of Necessities
The "N" Word: More than an Expression
The Reality of Family Violence
Malcolm X and Those Who Knew Him (Don't forget to visit our Malcolm X page.)
Police Procedures
On the Internet
Improving Communications Between Parents and Children
Can Humor Cure Racism
Racial Preferences (a background article)
The Million Man March: WHAT NEXT
What has happened in Buffalo since the Million Man March? Everyone asks that question. Many people believe nothing has occurred because they haven't heard what has happened. The Million Man March Local Organizing Committee (MMM LOC-Buffalo) is a refutation of that position. The MMM LOC-Buffalo meets every Thursday at the Church of God Tabernacle, 526 High Street 6pm to 8pm. For more, read the MMM LOC-Buffalo NEWSLETTER.
In continuation of the spirit of the Million Man March, the Circle Association is sponsoring a series of meetings in response to the question, " The Million Man March, what next?" The next Circle Association sponsored meeting is ? at Metropolitan United Methodist Church 657 Best Street.
The Circle Association held its Seventh Annual Fatherhood and Family Celebration in honor of four community men as outstanding fathers on June 19, the Saturday before Fathers Day, at 6pm at The Golden Nugget Restaurant on Filmore Avenue. Each year this honor is bestowed on exemplary fathers who have been successful in the following issues of concern and responsibilities:
Demonstrating a positive, confident, and productive self image through personal achievement which serve as an inspiration to others.
Maintaining a caring and involved relationship within the family which has encouraged personal and economic development of family members. These values are effectively demonstrated by successful children.
Participating in the growth and development of the community by personal concern, committment and involvement.
The 2000 Fathers honored will be
John Curry
Richard P. Josephs, Sr.
Lewis Richardson
We would like to extend an invitation to you to honor the Father and Family Celebration with your presence. Please look here for notice that tickets are on sale. Advertising and announcement space is available in our programs. Page prices are pro-rated at $100 for a full page ad or $25 for a quarter page or business card ad.
Fathers honored at previous Fatherhood Celebrations are
1999: Robert E. Brown; Richard A. Cummings, Sr.; Leeland N. Jones, Jr.
1998: Uly Hankerson, Jr.; John A. Johnson; Samuel Waller
1997: Ernest Copeland; Charles T Garmon; Scott W. Williams, Ph.D.
1996: Alfred Brown, Sr.; Robert Lewis; Frank B. Messiah; Jimmie Porter, Jr.
1995: Clifford Bell; Henry W. Curtis, III; Robert Johnson; Merrill B. Williams
1994: Hollowith Blue; Luther Burnette; Benjamin Doyle, Sr.; Thomas Gulley
1993: John W. Hackney; Edward Hill; Judson Price; Leroy Wiggins, Sr.
1992: Henry W. Curtis, Sr.; Willie Nichols; Robert T. Russell, Sr.; Harry K. Strother
The Circle Association
is supported by the efforts and personal funds of its members
who, though rich in energy, ideals and goals, are of ordinary
means. Any support, financial or otherwise, that YOU can give
us is certainly needed, and will be enormously appreciated.
After a February 1999 Executive
Board meeting.
Leroy Wiggins, jr; Herbert Cambell; Henry Curtis III
Scott Williams; Ray Smith; J. Chris Porter
missing: Luther Bernett, Adolph Dupree, Robert Cooke
More photographic documentation of the Circle
Email some members of The Circle Association
10/97: Best
of the Web in the Communities Channel
Mr. Web Counter does the counting.