Ed Coffin and Gravedigger Jones - these novels are discussed
Himes' other books - these novels are discussed
Bailey, Frankie Y. Out of the Woodpile: Black Characters in Crime and Detective Fiction. Westport, CN: Greenwood, 1991.
Berry, Jay R. "Chester Himes and the Hard-boiled Tradition." The Armchair Detective 15 (Issue #1 1982).
Copjec, Joan, ed.. Shades of Noir: A Reader. New York: Verso, 1993.
Cowie, Elizabeth. "Film Noir and Women." in Shades of Noir: A Reader. Joan Copec, editor. New York: Verso, 1993. 121-65.
Crooks, Robert. "From the Far Side of the Urban Frontier: The detective fiction of Chester Himes and Walter Mosley." College Literature 22. October 1, 1995. 68-87.
Fiedler, Leslie A. Love and Death in the American Novel. Revised Edition. New York: Stein & Day, 1966.
Kaplan, E. Ann, editor. Women in Film Noir. Revised Edition. London: BFI, 1980.
Lee, A. Robert. "Hurts, Absurdities, and Violence: The Contrary Dimensions of Chester Himes" Journal of American Studies 12 (April 1978): 99-114.
Lundquist, James. Chester Himes. New York: Ungar, 1976.
Margolies, Edward. "Race and Sex: The Novels of Chester Himes" in Native Sons: A Critical Study of Twentieth Century Black American Authors. Philadelphia: Lippincott, 1968. 87 101.
---. Which Way Did He Go?: The Private Eye in Dashiell Hammett, Raymond Chandler, Chester Himes, and Ross Macdonald. New York: Holmes & Meier, 1982.
Milliken, Stephen. Chester Himes: A Critical Appraisal. Columbia, MO: U of Missouri P, 1976.
Mosley, Walter. "The Black Dick" in Critical Fictions: The Politics of Imaginative Writing (Discussions in Contemporary Culture, no. 7). edited by Phil Mariani. Seattle: Bay Press, 1991.
Muller, Gilbert. Chester Himes. Boston: Twayne Publishers, 1989
Nelson, Raymond. "Domestic Harlem: The Detective Fiction of Chester Himes" Virgina Quarterly Review 48 (Spring 1972): 260 76.
Skinner, Robert E.. 2 Guns From Harlem: The Detective Fiction of Chester Himes. Bowling Green, OH: Bowling Green SU Popular P, 1989.
Soitos, Stephen F.. The Blues Detective: A Study in African American Fiction. Amherst, MA: U of Massachusetts P, 1996.
Wilson, M. L.. Chester Himes. New York: Chelsea, 1988.
Woods, Paula. Spooks, Spies, and Private Eyes: Black Mystery, Crime, and Suspense Fiction. New York: Doubleday, 1995.