The African American History
of Western New York











  1. AFRICA (Interview with Catherine Harris), Jamestown, New York, Evening Journal, Saturday May 3, 1902
  2. AFRICA 2 (Black History of Jamestown), Jamestown, New York, Evening Journal, Saturday, May 10, 1902
  3. N. Agwu and A. Nkwanta, Dr. J. Ernest Wilkins, Jr.: The Man and His Works, African Americans in Mathematicians, DIMACS 34 (1996) American Mathematics Society, 196-205.
  4. James Egert Allen, Black History, Past and Present, Exposition Press Inc., Jericho, New York 1971.
  5. William L. Andrews, ed. From Fugitive Slave to Free Man: The Autobiographies of William Wells Brown, 2003.
  6. Dave Baker, Dugs Dive, 2004 (electric media)
  7. Richard Barksdale and Kenneth Kinnamon, Black Writers in America (New York 1972).
  8. Lerone Bennett, Jr., Before the Mayflower: A History of the Negro in America, 1919-1962, Johnson Publ. Co., Chicago 1962.
  9. Rachel Bernstein, History of the Colored Musicians Club of Buffalo, 2004. (electric media)
  10. Black Life in Victorian Toronto.
  11. Erasmus Briggs And The History of the Original Town of Concord (and Collins North Collins, Sardinia),1893: Union and Advertisers Company Print: Rochester, NY.
  12. William Wells Brown Narrative (in Buffalo - see chapters 11 & 12) (electric media)
  13. Buffalo African American collection.
  14. The Buffalo Criterion Online.
  15. Burning of Buffalo. From Histories of Western New York.
  16. William Chazanof, Buffalo in Her Formative Years, reprinted from from a book entitled Niagara Land: the First 200 Years.
  17. Virgil A. Clift and Augustus Low, editors, Encyclopedia of Black America, McGraw-Hill, New York, NY 1981.
  18. Howard W. ColesThe cradle of freedom; a history of the Negro in Rochester, western New York and Canada ... by Howard W Coles Oxford Press, publishers; Riverside Book Bindery, Rochester, N.Y. 1941.
  19. Norman Coombs, History of African Americans in Rochester. (electric media)
  20. Christopher Densmore, Christopher Densmore, University Archives University at Buffalo <> -- personal communications.
  21. Christopher Densmore, Quakers and Abolition in Western New York. (electric media).
  22. Christopher Densmore, Reform, Religion and the Underground Railroad in Western New York (electric media).
  23. Christopher Densmore, Underground Railroad Agents in Western New York (electric media).
  24. David L. Dickinson, Niagara County Historian, African Americans in 19'th Century Lockport, (electronic media).
  25. Eugene E. Du Bois, The City of Frederick Douglass: Rochester's African-American People and Places, Landmark Society of Western New York 1994
  26. Adolph Dupree, Rochester Roots/Routes,.
  27. Edwards house.
  28. Ena Farley, The African American Presence in the History of Western New York .
  29. J.C. Furnas, Goodbye to Uncle Tom, NY: William Sloane Associates. 1956.
  30. Henry Louis Gates Jr., African Americans/Voices of Triumph. TimeLife Inc.(1993)
  31. Mark Goldman, High Hopes: The Rise and Fall of Buffalo New York, State University of New York Press, Albany 1983.
  32. Mark Goldman, City on the Lake, Prometheus Books, 1990.
  33. Catherine Grover, Make a way Somehow - see The African Americans of Geneva (electric media).
  34. J. Noel Heermance, William Wells Brown and Clotelle: A Portrait of the Artist in the First Negro Novel (1969).
  35. Darlene Clark Hine, ed., Black Women in America,
  36. History of Buffalo:
  37. Orra L. C. Hughes: Collins Center, electronic media
  38. Hunter, Carol M. The Rev. Jermain Loguen: A Narrative of Real Life. Afro-Americans in New York Life and History 13 (July 1989), 33-46.
  39. Hunter, Carol M. To Set the Captives Free: Reverend Jermain Wesley Loguen and the Struggle for Freedom in Central New York, 1832-1872. New York: Garland, 1993.
  40. Jerry Rescue (electronic media)
  41. Leeland Jones, Jr. resumé and auto-biography.
  42. Carol Kammen, Lives Passed: Biographical Sketches from Central New York, Heart of the Lakes Publishing 1984.
  43. KKK in Buffalo, entire list is on line (electric media).
  44. Shawn Lay, Hooded Knights of the Niagara (The Ku Klux Klan in Buffalo, NY), New York University Press, 1995.
  45. Thomas Leary and Elizabeth Sholes, Buffalo's Pan-American Exposition, Images of America, Arcadia Publishing 1998.
  46. The Last Days of a President: Films of McKinley and the Pan-American Exposition, 1901. (electric media)
  47. David Levering Lewis (Ed.), W.E.B. DuBois, A Reader, (New York: Henry Holt and Company, 1995), pp. 367-369.
  48. Loguen, Rev. Jermain. The Rev. J.W. Loguen, as a Slave and As a Freeman. Syracuse: Truair & Co., 1859. Reprint, New York: Negro University Press, 1968.
  49. Manhatten Island Foundation - Black Marathoner:
  50. Mike F. Molaire, African American Who's Who: Past & Present Greater Rochester Area, Norex Publications 1998.
  52. V. K. Newell, J. H. Gipson, L. W. Rich, and B. Stubblefield, Black Mathematicians and their Works, Dorrance & Company, 1980.
  53. Online Encyclopedia BRITANNICA Guide to Black History. (electric media)
  54. Eber M. Pettit, Sketches in the History of the Underground Railroad, 1879, reprinted by Chautauqua Region Press, Westfield, New York 1999.
  55. Amy Post, The Underground Railroad in Rochester, Semi-Centennial History of Rochester, 1884
  56. Elwin H. Powell, Excerpts from the Journal of George Washington Jonson: Frederick Douglass Talking Abolition. From Histories of Western New York.
  57. Steven Powell, The First Buffalo Landowner. From Histories of Western New York.
  58. Benjamin Quarles, Black Mosaic - Essays in Afro-American History and Historiography, University of Massachusetts Press 1988.
  59. Records Relating to African American in the New York State Archives (electric media)
  60. Rochester History 1939-present (Rochester, NY library)
  61. Frank A. Rollin, The Life and Public Services of Martin R. Delany, Boston 1883.
  62. Niagara Movement: Schomberg Museum, Harlem (electric media)
  63. State Assemby Bio on Arthur O. Eve (electric media).
  64. Mary B. Talbert, Women and Colored Women, Crisis (August 1915), 184.
  65. Henry Louis Taylor, Jr. Black in Buffalo: A Late Century Report (electric media).
  66. Honoring {Prince Taylor] a Black Pioneer,Ticonderoga Post-Star (August 2001?)
  67. Harriet Tubman 300's Club,
  68. Uncrowned Queens (electronic media)
  69. National Negro Convention, 1843 , Schomburg Research Library as reported in Strangers in the Land of Paradise. (electric media)
  70. Photograph of wash drawing Assassasination of McKinley by T. Dart Walker. -- Source: American Memory - Library of Congress :
  71. Lillian S. Williams, Strangers in the Land of Paradise, The Creation of an African American Community, Buffalo, New York 1900-1940, Indiana University Press, Blomington, Indiana 1999.
  72. Underground Railroad in New York, New York History Net
  73. University of North Carolina William Wells Brown page:
  74. Samuel Ringgold Ward, Autobiography of a Fugitive Negro: His Anti-slavery Labours in the United States, Canada, & England: (born 1817) Electronic Edition.
  75. Scott W. Williams, Mathematicians of the African Diaspora (electric media).
  76. Western New York heritage
  77. Winning the Vote, Amy Post.
  78. We also had help gathering this data from Ms. Debra Johnson of Buffalo; my former mathematics student Ms. Susan Wallace, and, especially, her mother Mrs. Bette Wallace of Rochester; librarians of the Jefferson Ave. Library in Buffalo; conversations with my wife, the former Gloria Watkins, and her aunt Edith Caver born 1904; many conversations with Circle Association members Herbert Campbell, Robert Cook, Adolph Dupree, Henry Curtis, Ray Smith all Buffalo high school students in the 1940s and 1950s; conversations with Ed Powell a University at Buffalo Sociologist from the 1960s to the 1990s.










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