Brian Spencer - Publications

1900 total cites in the literature.

[41] B. J. Spencer, Liquid drop shapes on hexagonal substrates: corner wetting in the context of vapor-liquid-solid growth of nanowires, Journal of Engineering Mathematics, vol 147, art 11 (2024).

[40] W. Wang and B. J. Spencer, Does elastic stress modify the equilibrium corner angle?, Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids, vol 167, art 105003 (2022).

[39] W. Wang and B. J. Spencer, A Numerical solution for the stress near a hole with corners in an infinite plate under biaxial loading, Journal of Engineering Mathematics, vol 127, art 13 (2021).

[38] C. Wei and B. J. Spencer, A Fokker-Planck reaction model for the epitaxial growth and shape transition of quantum dots, Proceedings Royal Society A, vol 473, art 20170308 (2017).

[37] C. Wei and B. J. Spencer, Asymmetric shape transitions of epitaxial quantum dots, Proceedings Royal Society A, vol 472, art 20160262 (2016).

[36]  B. J. Spencer and J. Tersoff, Symmetry breaking in shape transitions of epitaxial quantum dots, Physical Review B, vol 87, art 161301 (2013).

[35]  B. J. Spencer and J. Tersoff,
Asymmetry and shape transitions of epitaxially-strained islands on vicinal surfaces, Applied Physics Letters, vol 96, art 073114 (2010).

[34]  X. Han and B. J. Spencer,
Composition evolution of quantum dots during the growth of solid films, IMA Journal of Applied Mathematics, vol 75, pp 222-239 (2010).

[33]  A. Mastroberardino and B. J. Spencer,
Three-dimensional equilibrium crystal shapes with corner energy regularization, IMA Journal of Applied Mathematics, vol 75, pp 190-205 (2010).

[32]  M. Blanariu and B. J. Spencer,
Asymptotic analysis of the shape and composition of alloy islands in epitaxial solid films, Mathematical Modeling of Natural Phenomena, vol 3, no 5, pp 30-49 (2008).

[31]  W. T. Tekalign and B. J. Spencer,
Thin film evolution equation for a strained solid film on a deformable substrate: Numerical steady states, Journal of Applied Physics, vol 102, art 073503 (2007).

[30]  X. Han and B.J. Spencer, A nonlinear model for surface segregation and solute trapping during planar film growth, Journal of Applied Physics, vol 101, art 084302 (2007).

[29]  M. Blanariu and B.J. Spencer,
Weakly nonlinear bifurcation analysis of pattern formation in strained alloy film growth, IMA Journal of Applied Mathematics, vol 72, pp 9-35 (2006).

[28]  B. J. Spencer and M. Blanariu, Shape and composition profile of a prepyramid quantum dot, Physical Review Letters, vol 95, article 206101 (2005). 

[27]  B.J. Spencer, Asymptotic solutions for the equilibrium crystal shape with small corner energy regularization, Physical Review E, vol 69, article 011603 (2004).

[26]  W.T. Tekalign and B.J. Spencer,
Evolution equation for a thin epitaxial film on a deformable substrateJournal of Applied Physics, vol 96, pp 5505-5512 (2004).

[25]  A. Rastelli, H. von Kanel, B.J. Spencer and J. Tersoff, Prepyramid-to-pyramid transition of SiGe islands on Si(001), Physical Review B, vol 68, article 115301 (2003).

[24]  J. Tersoff, B.J. Spencer, A. Rastelli and H. Von Kanel,
Tersoff et al reply: Comparison of continuum and step models for SiGe islands, Physical Review Letters, vol 91, article 099602 (2003)

[23]  J. Tersoff, B.J. Spencer, A. Rastelli and H. von Kanel, Barrierless formation and faceting of SiGe islands on Si(001), Physical Review Letters, vol 89, article 196104 (2002).

[22]  L.L Shanahan and B.J. Spencer, "A codimension-two free boundary problem for the equilibrium shapes of a small three-dimensional island in an epitaxially-strained solid film,"  Interfaces and Free Boundaries, vol 4, pp 1-25, (2002).

[21]  B.J. Spencer and J. Tersoff, "Stresses and first-order dislocation energetics in equilibrium Stranski-Krastanow islands," Physical Review B, vol 63, article 205424 (2001).

[20]  B.J. Spencer, P.W. Voorhees and J. Tersoff, "Morphological instability theory for strained alloy film growth: the effect of compositional stresses and species-dependent surface mobilities on ripple formation during epitaxial film deposition," Physical Review B, vol 64, article 235318 (2001). 

[19]  B.J. Spencer and J. Tersoff, "Dislocation energetics in epitaxial strained islands," Applied Physics Letters, vol 77, pp 2533-2535 (2000).

[18]  B.J. Spencer, P.W. Voorhees and J. Tersoff, "Stabilization of strained alloy film growth by a difference in atomic mobilities" Applied Physics Letters, vol 76, pp 3022-3024 (2000).

[17]  N.J. Tumavitch, D.A. Cadenhead and B.J. Spencer,  "The thermodynamics of meniscus formation on Wilhelmy plate immersion at theair/water interface and the mechanics of initial film deposition", in Proceedings of the Space Technology and Applications International Forum, Ed. M. El-Genk, American Institute of Physics publication #504 (Springer Verlag, 2000)  pp 854-860.

[16]  B.J. Spencer, P.W. Voorhees and J. Tersoff,  "Enhanced instability of strained alloy films due to compositional stresses," Physical Review Letters, vol 84, pp 2449-2452 (2000).

[15]  C. D. Rudin and B. J. Spencer, "Equilibrium ridge arrays in strained solid films,"  Journal of Applied Physics, vol 86, pp 5530-5536 (1999).

[14]  B. J. Spencer and H. E. Huppert, "The relationship between dendrite tip characteristics and dendrite spacings in alloy directional solidification," Journal of Crystal Growth, vol 200, pp 287-296 (1999).

[13]  B. J. Spencer, "An asymptotic derivation of the glued wetting layer model and contact angle condition for Stranski-Krastanow islands,"  Physical Review B, vol  59, pp 2011-2017 (1999).

[12]  B. J. Spencer and H. E. Huppert, "On the solidification of dendritic arrays: selection of the tip characteristics of slender needle crystals by array interactions," Acta Materialia, vol 46, pp 2645-2662 (1998).

[11]  B. J. Spencer and J. Tersoff, "Equilibrium shapes of islands in epitaxially-strained solid films," in Mathematics of Multiscale Materials, edited by K.M. Golden, G.R. Grimmett, R.D. James, G.W. Milton and P.N. Sen (Springer-Verlag, NY, 1998) pp 255-269.

[10]  B. J. Spencer and J. Tersoff, "Equilibrium shapes and properties of epitaxially strained islands Physical Review Letters, vol 79, pp 4858-4861 (1997).

[9]  B. J. Spencer and H.E. Huppert, "On the solidification of dendritic arrays: an asymptotic theory for the directional solidification of slender needle crystals,"  Acta Materialia, vol 45, pp 1535-1549 (1997).

[8]  B. J. Spencer and J. Tersoff, "Equilibrium shapes of small strained islands," in Evolution of Epitaxial Structure and Morphology, Editors: A. Zangwill, D. Jesson, D. Chambliss and R. Clarke, Materials Research Society Symposium Proceedings, vol 399, pp 283-288 (1996) .

[7]  B. J. Spencer and H. E. Huppert, "Steady-state solutions for an array of strongly-interacting needle crystals in the limit of small undercooling," Journal of Crystal Growth, vol 148, pp 305-323 (1995) .

[6]  B.J. Spencer and D.I. Meiron, "Nonlinear evolution of the stress-driven morphological instability in a two-dimensional semi-infinite solid," Acta Metallurgica et Materialia, vol 42, pp 3629-3641 (1994).

[5]  B.J. Spencer, S.H. Davis and P.W. Voorhees, "Morphological instability in epitaxially-strained dislocation-free solid films: nonlinear evolution," Physical Review B, vol 47, pp 9760-9777 (1993).

[4]  B.J. Spencer, P.W. Voorhees and S.H. Davis, "Morphological instability in epitaxially-strained dislocation-free solid films: linear stability theory," Journal of Applied Physics, vol 73, pp 4955-4970 (1993).

[3]  B.J. Spencer, P.W. Voorhees, S.H. Davis and G.B. McFadden, "The effect of compositionally-generated elastic stresses on morphological instability during directional solidification," Acta Metallurgica et Materialia, vol 40, pp 1599-1616 (1992).

[2]  G. Ierley, B. Spencer and R. Worthing, "Spectral methods in time for a class of parabolic partial differential equations," Journal of Computational Physics, vol 102, pp 88-97 (1992).

[1]  B.J. Spencer, P.W. Voorhees and S.H. Davis, "Morphological instability in epitaxially-strained dislocation-free solid films," Physical Review Letters, vol 67, pp 3696-3699 (1991).