Analysis Seminar
Unless specified, all seminars are
Wednesday 4-5pm at 250 Math Building.
19 John
Hofensperger, SUNY at
bijection between topological left-invariant means
on an amenable group and those on a lattice subgroup
Abstract: Suppose G is an amenable locally
compact group with lattice subgroup D. In other
words, D is discrete and the coset space G/D admits
G-invariant probability measure. There is a natural
affine injection Phi: LIM(D) to TLIM(G), as shown by
Grosvenor [1985]. He was only able to prove
Phi is surjective in some trivial cases, essentially
G = R^d, D = Z^d. In this talk, I will show Phi is
surjective iff G/D is compact.
Analysis Seminar