Analysis Seminar
Unless specified, all seminars are
Wednesday 4-5pm at 250 Math
February 13th
Lewis Coburn,
SUNY at Buffalo
Heat Flow and Uniform Continuity
This talk is based on the paper "Heat Flow, weighted Bergman
spaces, and real-analytic Lipschitz approximation" by Bauer and
Coburn. We examine the spaces of functions of bounded mean
oscillation (BMO) on bounded symmetric (Cartan) domains Ω in complex
Cn and on Ω = Cn. We show that all β( ; )
(Bergman metric) complex-valued uniformly continuous functions are
in BMO(Ω) with some
interesting consequences. In particular, all such functions can be
uniformly approximated by real-analytic β-Lipschitz functions. The
model for our discussion is Ω= Cn, where the heat
equation plays a central role in our considerations.
Jingbo Xia, SUNY at Buffalo
A Local Inequality for Hankel Operators and its Application
Abstract: We establish a local inequality for Hankel
operators Hf on the Hardy space of the unit sphere in Cn.
As an application of this
local inequality, we characterize the membership of Hf in
the Lorentz-like ideal C+p, 2n<p< ∞.
This is joint work with Quanlei Fang.
Mira Peterka, University of Kansas
Finitely-generated Projective Modules and Gauge Theory over
Theta-deformed Spheres
Abstract: We discuss the classification and construction (up
to isomorphism) of the finitely-generated projective modules over
θ-deformed n-spheres of Connes of and Landi. We also review what is
known of the gauge theory on these spheres and discuss some open
problems and conjectures about the gauge theory.
Past Analysis Seminars