Analysis Seminar
Unless specified, all seminars are
Wednesday 4-5pm at 250 Math
September 18-20
Guoliang Yu, Texas A&M
(Myhill Lectures)
Mehrdad Kalantar, University of Houston
Boundary actions and applications to rigidity problems in operator
Abstract: We show how boundary actions in the sense of
Furstenberg can be applied to some rigidity problems in operator
algebras. In contrast to previous
work, we apply measurable boundaries in C*-algebra context, and
topological boundaries in von Neumann algebraic setting. This is
joint work with Yair
October 4th
Yi Wang, Texas A&M
On the p-essential normality of principal submodules of the Bergman
module on strongly pseudoconvex domains
Abstract: We show that under a mild condition, a principal
submodule of the Bergman module on a strongly pseudoconvex domain,
generated by a holomorphic
function defined on a neighborhood of its closure, is p essentially
normal for p>n. Two main ideas are involved in the proof. The
first is that a holomorphic
function defined in a neighborhood 'grows like a polynomial'. This
is illustrated in a key inequality that we prove in our paper. The
second concerns with
the commutators of Toeplitz operators. The idea of localization is
throughout our argument.
Jianchao Wu, Penn State University
Dimensions in topological dynamics and crossed product C*-algebras
Abstract: C*-algebras are a kind of operator algebras that
are tailored to describe noncommutative (i.e., quantum) topological
spaces through analytical
means. A major and rich source of C*-algebras lies in the
construction of crossed products from topological dynamical systems,
which has occupied a central
position throughout the history of C*-algebra theory. On the other
hand, the dimension theory of C*-algebras, which studies analogs of
classical dimensions
for topological spaces, is young but has been gaining momentum
lately thanks to the pivotal role played by the notion of finite
nuclear dimension in the
classification program of simple separable nuclear C*-algebras. The
convergence of these two topics leads to the question: When does a
crossed product
C*-algebra have finite nuclear dimension? I will present some recent
work on this problem.
Kate Juschenko, Northwestern University
Cycling amenable groups and soficity
Abstract: I will give introduction to sofic groups and
discuss a possible strategy towards finding a non-sofic group. I
will show that if the Higman group
were sofic, there would be a map from Z/pZ to itself, locally like
an exponential map, satisfying a rather strong recurrence property.
The approach to
(non)-soficity is based on the study of sofic representations of
amenable subgroups of a sofic group. This is joint work with Harald
Alexandru Chirvasitu, SUNY at Buffalo
Rigidity and softness for discrete quantum groups
Abstract: Discrete quantum groups are the noncommutative
geometer's analogue of ordinary groups, and are defined
mathematically as Hopf algebras satisfying a
suite of conditions that ensure they in many ways resemble group
algebras of (plain) discrete groups.
In this talk I will mention various geometric and
representation-theoretic concepts that transport over from discrete
group theory to its quantum
analogue. These include properties that seem to suggest the discrete
quantum group is ``rigid'' (such as Kazhdan's property (T)) or, at
the other extreme,
"soft" (residual finiteness, soficity, etc.). The main results
indicate various ways in which these properties interact.
(partly joint with Angshuman Bhattacharya, Michael Brannan and
Shuzhou Wang)
Past Analysis Seminar