Analysis Seminar
Unless specified, all seminars are
Wednesday 4-5pm at 250 Math
September 5th
Yunhua Zhou,
Chongqing University
Quasi-Shadowing property for
partially hyperbolic diffeomorphisms
It is well known that an Anosov diffeomorphism has the
shadowing property. However, we can not expect that in general the
property holds for a partially hyperbolic diffeomorphism because of
the existence of the center direction. In this talk, I will
introduce the
quasi-shadowing property for partially hyperbolic diffeomorphisms.In
fact, it is showed that for any pseudo orbit {xk}, there
is a sequence
of points {yk} tracing it in which yk+1 is
obtained from f(yk) by a motion along center direction. I
will also discuss some applications of
this quasi-shadowing property.
12th Nikolai Vasilevski,
Cinvestav, Mexico City
singular integral operators via poly-Bergman spaces, and Toeplitz
operators with peudodifferential symbols
Abstract: We describe a
direct and transparent connection between the poly-Bergman type
spaces on the upper half-plane and the action of the
certain two-dimensional singular integral operators.
We study then the C*-algebra
generated by Toeplitz operators acting on the Bergman space over
the unit disk, whose
pseudodifferential defining symbols belong to the algebra
generated by the multiplication operators and the above
two-dimensional singular
integral operators (considered in the unit disk setting). As it
turns out this Toeplitz algebra coincides with the algebra
generated by
Toeplitz operators with just functional symbols. At the same time,
the generating Toeplitz operators for above two algebras possess
different properties.
20th Klaus Schmidt,
University of Vienna and Erwin Schrödinger
(Thursday, Colloquium) Sandpiles and the
Harmonic Model
Abstract: The
critical sandpile model was introduced by Bak, Tang and Wiesenfeld
in 1987–88 and attracted a lot of attention after the
discovery of a somewhat elusive abelian group structure of this
lattice model by Deepak Dhar. In this lecture I will discuss some
between sandpiles, the classical spanning tree and dimer models, and
the harmonic model (a Z^2-action
by automorphisms of a compact abelian
group). One of these connections is that all these models have
identical entropies.
I will show that the sandpile model is an equal entropy symbolic
cover of the harmonic model, which explains some of the algebraic
features of the sandpile model.
This is joint work with Evgeny Verbitskiy.
25th Piotr Hajac, Institute of
Mathematics of the Polish Academy of Sciences and Warsaw
The K-theory of Heegaard quantum lens spaces
Abstract: Representing Z/NZ
as roots of unity, we restrict a natural U(1)-action on the Heegaard
quantum sphere to Z/NZ, and call the
quotient spaces Heegaard quantum lens spaces. Then we use this
representation of Z/NZ to construct an associated complex line
bundle. The
main result is the stable non-triviality of these line bundles over
any of the quantum lens spaces we consider. We use the pullback
of the C*-algebra of the lens space to compute its K-theory via the
Mayer-Vietoris sequence, and an explicit form of the odd-to-even
connecting homomorphism to prove the stable non-triviality of the
Jingbo Xia,
SUNY at Buffalo
Localization and Berezin Transform on the Fock space
Abstract: We introduce
the class of sufficiently localized operators on the Fock space.
This class contains many familiar
including all the Toeplitz operators with bounded symbols. We show
that if A is in the C*-algebra generated by the class of
localized operators and if the Berezin transform of A vanishes at
infinity, then A is compact. The main point of this work is that
compactness is a consequence of a very simple inequality derived
from a classic idea that dates back to the 1970s. This is joint
work with
Dechao Zheng.
10th Xin Li,
University of Münster
Semigroup C*-algebras and their K-theory
Abstract: We compute
K-theory for semigroup C*-algebras. In a more general context, we
obtain a K-theoretic formula for crossed products
attached to certain dynamical systems on totally disconnected
spaces. This is joint work with J. Cuntz and S. Echterhoff.
Sheng-Chi Liu,
Texas A&M University
Subconvexity and equidistribution of Heegner points in the
level aspect
Abstract: We will discuss
the equidistribution property of Heegner points of level q and
discriminant D, as q and D go to infinity. We will
establish a hybrid subconvexity bound for certain Rankin-Selberg
L-functions which are related to the equdistribution of Heegner
points. This
joint work with Riad Masri and Matt Young.
Steve Lester,
University of Rochester
The distribution of values of the Riemann zeta-function.
Abstract: In his 1859
paper "On the Number of Primes Less Than a Given Magnitude,"
Riemann provided an argument that showed why the
distribution of the prime numbers should be related to the zeros
of a function of a complex variable. Riemann denoted this function
by ζ(s)
and made five conjectures about its properties. All but one of
these conjectures has been proved. The conjecture that has not
been proved (or
disproved) is known as the Riemann Hypothesis and states that all
the non-real zeros of ζ(s) lie on the line
Re(s) = 1/2.
In this talk we will look at the problem of understanding the
distribution of the points s at which ζ(s)
= a, where a is a non-zero complex
number. These points are known as a-points and have long been an
object of study. We will discuss many of the known properties of
and how these properties compare to those of zeros of ζ(s). Additionally, we will describe recent joint work of
ours with Steve Gonek
and Micah Milinovich on simple a-points and also discuss the
problem of determining how many a-points lie on the line Re(s) =
14th Huichi Huang,
SUNY at Buffalo
Invariant subsets under compact quantum group actions
Abstract: We study
invariant subsets and invariant states of compact quantum group
actions on unital C*-algebras. Concerning compact quantum
group actions on commutative C*-algebras, we formulate the concept
of compact quantum group orbits and prove some basic
through analyzing invariant subsets and invariant states, we derive
some interesting results about ergodic actions. Especially, we show
the unique invariant measure of a compact quantum homogeneous space
with infinitely many points is non-atomic. As a result, countable
metrizable spaces with infinitely many points are not quantum
homogeneous spaces.
Peter Cho,
Fields Institute
Logarithmic derivatives of Artin L-functions at s=1
Abstract: Let K be a
number field of degree n, and dK be its discriminant.
Then under the Artin conjecture, GRH and certain zero density
hypothesis, we show that the upper and lower bound of the
logarithmic derivative of Artin L-functions attached to K at s=1 are
log log |dK|
and -(n-1)log log |dK|
, resp. Unconditionally we
show that there are infinitely many number fields with the extreme
logarithmic derivatives.
They are families of number fields whose Galois closures have the
Galois group as Cn, n=2,3,4,6, Dn, n=3,4,5, S4
and A5.
Past Analysis Seminars