J. McKeen Cattell (1913), owner and editor of Science, "There is not a single mulatto who has done creditable scientific work."In Mathematics, more than any other field of study, have we heard proclamations and statements similar to, "The Negro is incapable of succeeding." Ancient and present achievements contradict such statements. One of the purposes of this website is to exhibit the inaccuracy of those proclamations by exhibiting the accomplishments of the peoples of Africa and the African Diaspora within the Mathematical Sciences.

Less than 1% of all mathematicians are Black. 25% of these are women. This website is dedicated to them. There are four primary webpages - see the contents below.



* Emma Fenceroy died Tuesday, December 2, 2003, in Tallahassee after a long battle with cancer. She was a devoted and passionate professor of mathematics at Florida A&M University since 1972.

* With great sadness and a sense of deep personal loss, I inform you of the death of Dr. Etta Zuber Falconer on September 19, 2002. Possessed of great talent, limitless courage, uncompromising honesty, enormous kindness, remarkable insight, quiet modesty, she made enduring selfless contributions. We are all the poorer by her death, the richer by her life. -- Dr. Lee Lorch.


I. A Modern HISTORY of Black Women in the Mathematical Sciences

II. BIOGRAPHIES of Black Women in the Mathematical Sciences?

III. Black women in Mathematical Research

IV. Some Important Articles on Black Women in Mathematical Sciences

V. AMUCWMA - Commission on Women in Mathematics in Africa

VI. Women in Mathematics LINKS

VII. Statistics on Women in Mathematics

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to Mathematicians of the African Diaspora since opening 5/25/97

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The State University of New York at Buffalo

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Professor of Mathematics

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