Eric M. Wilcots
place: Philadelphia, PA
pre-doctoral institution: Princeton University (1987)
doctoral institution: University of Washington (1992)
current employment. Assistant Professor, University of Wisconsin at Madison.
Eric M. Wilcots (Ph.D., 1992, University of Washington) at the University of Wisconsin at Madison who, when he is not researching the chemical evolution of stars and galaxies he is the administrator of a very successful public outreach program that brings people to Wisconsin state parks to hear lectures and participate in observing sessions.
Jansky Postdoctoral Fellow, National Radio Astronomy Observatory,
NM (1992-1995)
Lecturer: UW-Madison (1995-96)
Assistant Professor, Dept. of Astronomy UW-Madison: (1996-)
Research interests: Formation and evolution of galaxies, relationship between massive stars and their environments in galaxies.
How to build a galaxy? Galaxy formation was undoubtedly a very
messy process and, at first glance, this seems to be a most difficult
question to answer. But there are numerous clues, both near and
far, that are allowing us to understand how galaxies formed. These
clues come from radio, infrared, optical, and ultraviolet observations
of the nearby and distant Universe. We will explore these clues
and see how the next generation of telescopes will help us understand
how to build a galaxy.
references: Fikes: From Banneker to Best: Some Stellar Careers In Astronomy and Astrophysics;
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