Jean Paul Mbelek
born: 25 October 1959
place: Douala , Cameroon
Pre-doctorate education: ?
Doctorate: ?
Area: Astronomy and Astrophysics
- J. P. Mbelek, in "Neutrinos Dark Matter and the Universe",
proceedings des huitièmes "Rencontres de Blois"
8-12 Juin 1996, Éditions fronti\`eres, Gif-sur-Yvette,
(1997), 391.
- J. P. Mbelek, Motion of a Test Body in the Presence of
a Scalar Field which respects the Weak Equivalence Principle-Application
to the Rotation Curves of Spiral Galaxies, Acta Cosmologica,
(1998), fasciculus XXIV-1, 127.
- J. P. Mbelek et M. Lachièze-Rey, Long-range acceleration
induced by a scalar field external to gravity and the indication
from Pioneer 10/11, Galileo and Ulysses Data, Arxiv gr-qc/9910105.
- J. P. Mbelek et M. Lachièze-Rey, Theoretical Necessity
of an External Scalar Field in the Kaluza-Klein Theory, Arxiv
- J. P. Mbelek et M. Lachièze-Rey, Possible evidence
from laboratory measurements for a latitude and longitude dependence
of G, Gravitation and Cosmology 8, (2002), 331.
- J. P. Mbelek et M. Lachièze-Rey, A five dimensional
model of effective gravitational and fine-structure constants,
International Journal of Modern Physics A 17, (2002), 4317.
- J. P. Mbelek et M. Lachièze-Rey, A five dimensional
model of varying effective gravitational and fine structure constants,
Astronomy and Astrophysics 397, (2003), 803.
- J. P. Mbelek, The Pioneer anomaly : a bulk scalar field
?, in: J. Dumarchez and J. Trân Than Vân (eds.) Gravitational
waves and experimental gravity (Thê Gioi Publishers),
Vietnam (2003) 395 398.
- J. P. Mbelek, Étrange attraction, in Dossier hors-série
la gravitation-l'univers sous influence, Pour la science (french
edition of Scientific American), Janvier/Avril, (2003), 106.
- J. P. Mbelek et M. Michalski, Can conventional forces really
explain the anomalous acceleration of Pioneer 10/11, International
Journal of Modern Physics D 13, (2004), 865.
- J. P. Mbelek, 5D gravity and the discrepant G measurements,
in: Venzo de Sabbata, George T. Gillies, and Vitaly. N. Melnikov
(eds.) Proceedings of the NATO Advanced Study Institute on
Gravitational Constant : Generalized Gravitational Theories and
Experiments (Kluwer Academic Publishers) Erice (2004), 233-245.
- J. P. Mbelek, A five-dimensional model of varying fine
structure constant, Proceedings of the IX International Conference
on Particles, Strings and Cosmology (PASCOS 2003), Pramana 62,
(2004), 741.
- J. P. Mbelek, Modelling the rotational curves of spiral
galaxies with a
scalar field, proceedings of the "The Dark Universe: Matter,
Energy and
Gravity", Baltimore, USA, 2-5 Avril 2001, edited by M. Livio
- J. P. Mbelek, Modelling the rotational curves of spiral
galaxies with a scalar field, Astronomy and Astrophysics 424,
(2004), 761.
VISITORS since opening