Herman Branson
birth: August 14, 1914
died: June 7, 1995
place: Pocahontas, Virginia
B.S. Virginia State College (1936)
Ph.D. in Physics from the University of Cincinnati (1939)
Herman Branson received a B.S. from Virginia State College in 1936. In 1939 he received his Ph.D. in Physics from the University of Cincinnati under the famous Boris Padowski. Appointed Assistant Professor of Physics and Chemistry at Howard University, 1941-43. Named Director of the ESMWT (Experimental Science and Mathematics W Technology) Program in Physics at Howard (1942-44). Director of ASTRP courses in Physics at Howard University. In 1947, Dr. Branson was named the Directory of the Office of Naval Research and Atomic Energy Commission Projects in Physics at Howard University. From 1946 to 1950 he was named Director of the Research Corporation Project at Howard University. In 1944 Dr. Branson became a full professor of Physics and was made Chairman of the Physics Department of Howard University from 1941 to 1968. From 1968 to 1970, Dr. Herman Branson was selected as President of Central State University. In 1970 Dr. Herman Branson became the President of Lincoln University and served until his retirement in 1985.
Branson was co-inventor of the alpha helix and perhaps deserved a share of the Nobel prize. As the story goes somehow Linus Pauling got Branson excluded from the prize [New Yorker mag].
Dr. Herman Branson was a Rosenwald Fellow and a senior fellow at the National Research Council. He is a member of the National Research Council (1972 to present).
Research and Selected Publications
Branson's research interests are in mathematical biology and protein structure. He produced more than 100 research and other articles on physics, biophysics, black American colleges, and science education. His most significant accomplishments include co-discovery of the alpha helix, an integral equation of biological systems, electron impact studies on small organic molecules, the introduction of information theory in the study if biological molecules, the introduction of information theory in the study of biological models, and the use of radioactive and stable isotopes in transport studies in biology. He wrote extensively on physical-chemical studies of sickled anemic red blood cells.
Branson, Herman The flow of a viscous fluid in an elastic tube: a model of the femoral artery . Bull. Math. Biophys. 7, (1945). 181--188. 92.0X
Podolsky, Boris; Branson, Herman On the quantization of mass . Phys. Rev. 57, (1940). 494--500.
references: [faces], [Mickens], [taylor],
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