Stephon Alexander
place: Trinidad, raised in Bronx, NY
BS Physics 1993
Haverford College
Ph.D. Physics
2000 Brown University
thesis: Topological Defects In Alternative Theories To Cosmic
Inflation And String Cosmology; Advisor: Brandenberger, Robert
post doctorate,
Stanford University Institute for Theoretical Physics (ITP)
email: stephon@slac.stanford.edu
In a Bronx, N.Y., high school where the dropout
rate was 60 percent, a guidance counselor declined to give Stephon
Alexander an application to an Ivy League university. "You
won't get in," Alexander recalls the counselor saying. But
Alexander (left) proved the counselor wrong. After a BS at Haverford
and a Ph.D. in Physics from Brown University, the counselor appears
to have gotten it wrong. After his Ph.D., Alexander was at London's
Imperial College. Currently he is a member of the SLAC high energy
physics group and Stanford's ITP (Institute for Theoretical Physics)
Here is what has been written about Alexander's
work in the paper Quantum Gravity and Inflation:
In the past he has published string-and-brane-type
research and also in noncommutative geometry (Shawn Majid is
at Imperial College) but in the present article is working in
an area closely related to Martin Bojowald's loop quantum cosmology.
Bojowald also found that loop quantum cosmology generates an
inflationary period---as well as eliminating the big bang singularity.
Alexander, Malecki, and Smolin refer to this paper of Bojowald
"and the references therein"
- Stephon Alexander, Justin Malecki, and Lee Smolin.
Quantum Gravity and Inflation. http://arxiv.org/hep-th/0309045.
- Greg Huey, Stephon Alexander, and Levon Pogosian,
Quintessence and variation of the fine structure constant
in the CMBR. astro-ph/0110562 , Phys. Rev. D 65, 083001
- Stephon Alexander (SLAC and Stanford ITP), Robert
Brandenberger (Brown), Moshe Rozali (UBC). Non-Topological
Inflation from Embedded Defects. hep-th/0302160
- Stephon H.S. Alexander, Brane Gas Cosmology, M-theory
and Little String Theory. JHEP 0310 (2003) 013 hep-th/0212151
- Stephon Alexander, Robert Brandenberger, Joao Magueijo,
Non-Commutative Inflation. Phys.Rev. D67 (2003) 081301.
- Stephon Alexander, Yi Ling, Lee Smolin. A thermal
instability for positive brane cosmological constant in the Randall-Sundrum
cosmologies. Phys.Rev. D65 (2002) 083503. hep-th/0106097
- Stephon H.S. Alexander, Inflation from D-\bar{D}
brane annihilation. Phys.Rev. D65 (2002) 023507. hep-th/0105032
- Stephon H.S. Alexander, João Magueijo. Non-commutative
geometry as a realization of varying speed of light cosmology.
- S. Alexander, R. Brandenberger, D. Easson. Brane
Gases in the Early Universe. Phys.Rev. D62 (2000) 103509.
- Stephon H.S. Alexander. On The Varying Speed of
Light in a Brane-Induced FRW Universe, JHEP 0011 (2000) 017.
- Stephon Alexander, Robert Brandenberger, Richard Easther,
Andrew Sornborger, On the Interaction of Monopoles and Domain
Walls. hep-ph/9903254
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