opened 5/25/97
visitors since 5/25/97
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This project, Mathematicians of the African Diaspora is on-going, and will never be complete. I have discovered material in far-flung, sometimes obscure places, with the help of many individuals via electronic mail and otherwise. In particular, I must thank:
my wife, the former Glo Aniebo, who indirectly instigated the entire project and who's help with understanding education in Africa (especially Ghana and Nigeria) is/was immeasurable.
Jim Donaldson, Johnny Houston, Patricia Kenschaft for help on the history of African American Mathematicians.
Nate Dean, Bill Hawkins, Ray Johnson, Janis Oldham, and Bill Massey for their help on African American American Mathematicians today. Especially, Robert Fikes for help on mathematicians and physicists.
G.O.S. Ekhaguere for help with the history of modern Mathematicians in Africa
Paulus Gerdes for help with the history of ancient Mathematicians in Africa
Paulus Gerdes and Gloria Gilmer for pointing out the relevance of Ethnomathematics to this work.
The Mathematics Department of The State University of New York at Buffalo for housing these web pages.
Dr. Scott W. Williams, 4/29/98