Mathematics Books by Black Mathematicians
The books mentioned here are either research books, or textbooks beyond calculus. I do not include edited books or books on history and education methods.
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Adeleke, S. A.; Neumann, Peter M. Relations related to betweenness: their structure and automorphisms. Mem. Amer. Math. Soc. 131 (1998), no. 623, viii+125 pp.
1. Idris Assani
Assani, Idris. Wiener Wintner Ergodic Theorems, World Scientific. Publishing Co., Inc., River Edge, NJ, 2003. xii+216 pp. ISBN: 981-02-4439-8
- Banyaga, Augustin The structure of classical diffeomorphism groups. Mathematics and its Applications, 400. Kluwer Academic Publishers Group, Dordrecht; Boston, 1997. xii+197 pp. ISBN: 0-7923-4475-8
- Banyaga, A., H.Movahedi-Lankarani, R.Wells Editors, Topics in Low-Dimensional Topology, World Scientific Publishers (1999)
- Banyaga, A., Leslie, J., T. Robart, T. Editors, Infinite Dimensional Lie groups in Geometry and Representation Theory. World Scientific Publishers (2002)
- Banyaga, Augustin and Hurtubise, David, Lectures on Morse Homology, IX, Reihe : Kluwer Texts in the Mathematical Sciences , Band 29 2004 326 p., Geb. ISBN: 1-4020-2695-1
2. David Blackwell:
Blackwell, David; Girshick, M. A. Theory of Games and Statistical Decisions, Reprint of the 1954 (John Wiley and sons) edition. Dover Publications, Inc., New York, 1979. xi+355 pp. ISBN: 0-486-63831-6.
3. Albert Turner Bharucha-Reid
- Bharucha-Reid, A. T. Probabilistic analysis and related topics, Vol. 3. Academic Press, New York-London, 1983.
- Bharucha-Reid, A. T.; M. Sambandham. Random polynomials, Probability and Mathematical Statistics, Academic Press, Inc., Orlando, Fla., (1986). xvi+206 pp. ISBN: 0-12-095710-8 60G99 (30C15 60F05 60H25)
- Bharucha-Reid, A. T. Random integral equations, Mathematics in Science and Engineering, 96, Academic Press, New York-London, (1972).
- Bharucha-Reid, A. T. Probabilistic methods in applied mathematics , Vol. 1, Academic Press, New York-London (1968 ).
- Bharucha-Reid, A. T. Elements of the theory of Markov processes and their applications , Reprint of the 1960 original. Dover Publications, Inc., Mineola, NY, 1997. xii+468 pp. ISBN: 0-486-69539-5 60-01 (60Jxx). Original: Elements of the theory of Markov processes and their applications, McGraw-Hill Series in Probability and Statistics McGraw-Hill Book Co., Inc., New York-Toronto-London (1960).
- Chukwu, E. N. Optimal control of the growth of wealth of nations. Stability and Control: Theory, Methods and Applications, 17. Taylor & Francis, London, 2003. xxiv+384 pp. ISBN: 0-415-26966-0
- Chukwu, E. N. Differential models and neutral systems for controlling the wealth of nations. Series on Advances in Mathematics for Applied Sciences, 54. World Scientific Publishing Co., Inc., River Edge, NJ, 2001. xvi+513 pp. ISBN: 981-02-4381-2 91-02.
- Chukwu, E. N. Stability and time-optimal control of hereditary systems. With application to the economic dynamics of the U.S. Second edition. Series on Advances in Mathematics for Applied Sciences, 60. World Scientific Publishing Co., Inc., River Edge, NJ, 2001. xx+495 pp. ISBN: 981-02-4674-9
- Chukwu, E. N. Stability and time-optimal control of hereditary systems . Mathematics in Science and Engineering, 188. Academic Press, Inc., Boston, MA, 1992. xii+508 pp. ISBN: 0-12-174560-0
Jaume Amorós, Marc Burger, Kevin Corlette, Dieter Kotschick, Domingo Toledo. Fundamental Groups of Compact Kähler Manifolds. Mathematical Surveys and Monographs, 44. American Mathematical Society 1996.
Nathaniel Dean and G. E. Shannon, Computational Support for Discrete Mathematics. DIMACS Series in Discrete Mathematics and Theoretical Computer Science, American Mathematical Society, Providence, RI, 1994.
Evans, L. C.; Gangbo, W. Differential equations methods for the Monge-Kantorovich mass transfer problem. Mem. Amer. Math. Soc., #653, 137, 1999.
Fonseca, Irene and Gangbo, Wilfrid Degree theory in analysis and applications. Oxford Lecture Series in Mathematics and its Applications, 2. Oxford Science Publications. The Clarendon Press, Oxford University Press, New York, 1995. viii+211 pp. ISBN: 0-19-851196-5
Banyaga, A., Leslie, J., T. Robart, T. Editors, Infinite Dimensional Lie groups in Geometry and Representation Theory. World Scientific Publishers (2002)
- Aderemi O. Kuku, Topics in Algebraic K-Theory. Lecture Notes Series, National Mathematical Center. Abuja, Nigeria (1997)
- Aderemi O. Kuku, Basic Computative Algebra, Lecture Notes Series, National Mathematical Center. Abuja, Nigeria (1994)
- Aderemi O. Kuku, Axiomatic Theory of Induced Representation of Finite Groups. Les Cours du CIMPA. Nice, France (1986).
- Aderemi O. Kuku, Abstract Algebra, Ibadan University Press (1980- reprinted 1992)
- O. D. Makinde and P. Sibanda (2000): A Mathematical Introduction to Incompressible Flow. Textbook published by University of Zimbabwe Press, ISBN 0-908307-78-0.
- O. D. Makinde and P. Sibanda (2000): Particle Mechanics. Textbook, published by University of Zimbabwe Press, ISBN 0-908307-79-9.
- O. D. Makinde and P. Sibanda (2000): A Teaching Module on Mechanics, Zimbabwe Open University, Zimbabwe.
- O. D. Makinde and P. Sibanda (2000): A Teaching Module on Fluid Mechanics I, Zimbabwe Open University, Zimbabwe.
- O. D. Makinde and P. Sibanda (2000): A Teaching Module on Fluid Mechanics II, Zimbabwe Open University, Zimbabwe.
- Mickens, Ronald E. Oscillations in planar dynamic systems, Series on Advances in Mathematics for Applied Sciences, 37. World Scientific Publishing Co., Inc., River Edge, NJ, 1996. xiv+319 pp. ISBN: 981-02-2292-0
- Mickens, Ronald E. Nonstandard finite difference models of differential equations, World Scientific Publishing Co., Inc., River Edge, NJ, 1994. xii+249 pp. ISBN: 981-02-1458-8
- Mickens, Ronald E. Difference equations. Theory and applications. Second edition. Van Nostrand Reinhold Co., New York, 1990. xii+448 pp. ISBN: 0-442-00136-3
- Mickens, Ronald E. Difference equations, Van Nostrand Reinhold Co., New York-London, 1987. xii+243 pp. ISBN: 0-442-26076-8
- Mickens, Ronald E. Mathematical analysis of physical systems, Van Nostrand Reinhold Co., New York-London, 1985, x+357 pp. ISBN: 0-442-26077-6
- Mickens, Ronald E. An introduction to nonlinear oscillations, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge-New York, 1981. xiv+224 pp. ISBN: 0-521-22208-7
- Gaston M. N'Guérékata, Almost Automorphic and Almost Periodic Functions in Abstract Spaces, Kluwer Academic/Plenum Publishers October 2001, ISBN 0-306-46686-4
- Gaston M. N'Guérékata, Topics in Almost Automorphy, Springer, New York, 2005 ISBN 0-387-22846-2
- G. M. N'Guerekata and A. Nkwanta, editors, Contemp. Math. Amer. Math. Society, Vol. 284, ISBN 0-8218-2793-6
- G. M. N'Guerekata, Introductory Algebra, Kendall/Hunt Publishing Company, Dubuque, IA, August 2002, ISBN: 0-7872-9401-2
- G. M. N'Guerekata, PreCalculus, Kendall/Hunt Publishing Company, Dubuque, IA, August2002, ISBN: 0-7872-9404-7
- G. M. N'Guerekata and A. Nkwanta, editors, Contemp. Math. Amer. Math. Society, Vol. 284, ISBN 0-8218-2793-6
13. Asamoah Nkwanta
G. M. N'Guerekata and A. Nkwanta, editors, Contemp. Math. Amer. Math. Society, Vol. 284, ISBN 0-8218-2793-6
14. George Olatokunbo Okikiolu
- George Olatokunbo Okikiolu, Aspects of the theory of bounded integral operators in $L\sp{p}$-spaces. Academic Press, London-New York, 1971. ix+522 pp.
- George Olatokunbo Okikiolu, Special integral operators. Vol. I. Weierstrass operators and related integrals. Okikiolu Scientific and Industrial Organization, London, 1980. ix+306 pp. ISBN: 0-905499-04-2
- George Olatokunbo Okikiolu, Special integral operators. Vol. II. Poisson operators, conjugate operators, and related integrals. Okikiolu Scientific and Industrial Organization, London, 1981. x+507 pp. ISBN: 0-905499-05-0
15. Gabriel A. Oyibo
Gabriel A. Oyibo, New Group Theory for Mathematical Physics, Gas Dynamics and Turbulence , Nova Scientific Publ. (1995) revised. ISBN 1-56072-123-5
16. Arlie Petters
A. O. Petters, H. I. Levine, and J. Wambsganss Singularity Theory and Gravitational Lensing, BirkhSuser, Boston, 2000.
17. Hamet Seydi
Seydi, Hamet La théorie des anneaux japonais. (French) Colloque d'Algèbre Commutative (Rennes, 1972), Exp. No. 12, 82 pp. Publ. Sem. Math. Univ. Rennes, Annee 1972, Univ. Rennes, Rennes, 1972.
18. Precious Sibanda
- O. D. Makinde and P. Sibanda (2000): A Mathematical Introduction to Incompressible Flow. Textbook published by University of Zimbabwe Press, ISBN 0-908307-78-0.
- O. D. Makinde and P. Sibanda (2000): Particle Mechanics. Textbook, published by University of Zimbabwe Press, ISBN 0-908307-79-9.
- O. D. Makinde and P. Sibanda (2000): A Teaching Module on Mechanics, Zimbabwe Open University, Zimbabwe.
- O. D. Makinde and P. Sibanda (2000): A Teaching Module on Fluid Mechanics I, Zimbabwe Open University, Zimbabwe.
- O. D. Makinde and P. Sibanda (2000): A Teaching Module on Fluid Mechanics II, Zimbabwe Open University, Zimbabwe.
- Floyd L.Williams. Topics in quantum mechanics, Progress in Mathematical Physics
series, vol.27 (2003), Birkhauser ISBN 0-8176-4311-7- Andrei A.Bytsenko and Floyd L.Williams (Editors). Mathematical Methods in Physics, Proceeding of the 1999 Londrina Winter School,World Scientific Pub.ISBN 981-02-4284-0, (2000)
- Williams, Floyd L. Lectures on the spectrum of $L\sp 2(\Gamma \backslash G)$. Pitman Research Notes in Mathematics Series, 242. Longman Scientific &Technical, Harlow; copublished in the United States with John Wiley &Sons, Inc., New York, 1991. xiv+348 pp. ISBN: 0-582-06863-0
- Williams, Floyd L. Tensor products of principal series representations. Reduction of tensor products of principal series. Representations of complex semisimple Lie groups. Lecture Notes in Mathematics, Vol. 358. Springer-Verlag, Berlin-New York, 1973. vi+132 pp.
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