James Monroe
BS (1962), Mathematics, English, and French North Carolina A&T State University; MS (1967), Computer Science, Texas A&M University
Computer Science 1972 , Texas A&M University. James Monroe is the second African American to get a Ph.D. in Computer Science
McNair Chair and Professor of Computer Science North Carolina A&T University (NCAT)
After his doctorate, Dr. Monroe became appointed (1974) Associate Professor of Computer Science at the United States Air Force Academy. From 1978-1987, James Monroe held various positions at the United States Air Force Academy, Dean of the Faculty, Chair of the Deparmtent of Electrical Engineering and Chair of the Computer Science Department. From 1987 to 1991, he held administrative positions at Fayetteville State University and in The University of North Carolina General Administration. Since 1991, Dr. Monroe has held the McNair Endowed Chair and Professor at NCAT.
Selected Honors and Awards
1992 Named National Technical Achiever of the Year, National
Technical Achievers Association,
Houston, TX.
1987 United States Department of Defense Superior Service Medal
- Superior Teaching and
Research, United States Air Force Academy, CO.
1774, 1978, 1982 United States Air Force Legion of Merit Service
Medal - Outstanding Teaching and
Research, United States Air Force Academy, CO.
1972 Association for Computing Machinery Award - First African
American to receive a Ph.D.
degree in Computer Science (this
is not correct-but not Dr. Monroe's fault) , New York, NY.
For additional data see James Monroe web page: http://monroe.comp.ncat.edu/
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