William McIver, Jr. birth: place: |
B.A. Morehouse College (1985) Computer Science; M.S. Information and Computer Science (1988) Georgia Institute of Technology Ph.D Computer
Science (1994) University of Colorado at Boulder. |
: Assistant Professor School of Information Science and Policy (SISP) at the University at Albany, State University of New York (SUNY) URL: http://www.albany.edu/~mciver/ |
William McIver, Jr. is Assistant Professor in the School of Information Science and Policy (SISP) at the University at Albany, State University of New York (SUNY). His areas of research are database systems and social and community informatics.
Professor McIver has held research positions at U S WEST Advanced Technologies (now Qwest Communications), the University of Colorado at Boulder, Purdue University and Brown University. He has also held teaching positions at Morehouse College, Spelman College, the Atlanta University Center, the University of Colorado at Boulder, and the University of Colorado at Denver.
Professor McIver's current research projects involve the semantic Web, information needs and uses, and the right to communicate. His previous research has been in the areas of digital government, database integration, telecommunications (for which he is co-holder of a U.S. patent), agent-based systems and software reusability. He was co-editor with Ahmed K. Elmagarmid of the IEEE Computer Special Issue on eGovernment in February 2001 and is co-editor with Professor Elmagarmid on the book: Advances in Digital Government: Technology, Human Factors, and Policy (Kluwer), May 2002.
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