Parry Husbands
place: St. Lucia
B.S. Math and Computer
Science University of Toronto (1992)
Ph.D. M.I.T.
a postdoc at NERSC
(since Feb 99).
Note the collaborations with Black Computer Scientist Charles Isbell.
- Parry Husbands,
Costin Iancu, Katherine A. Yelick: A performance analysis of
the Berkeley UPC compiler. ICS 2003: 63-73
- Christian Bell, Dan Bonachea, Yannick Cote,
Jason Duell, Paul Hargrove, Parry Husbands, Costin Iancu,
Michael Welcome, Katherine A. Yelick: An Evaluation of Current
High-Performance Networks. IPDPS 2003: 28
- Chris H. Q. Ding, Xiaofeng He, Parry Husbands,
Hongyuan Zha, Horst D. Simon: PageRank: HITS and a Unified Framework
for Link Analysis. SDM 2003
- Brian R. Gaeke, Parry Husbands, Xiaoye
S. Li, Leonid Oliker, Katherine A. Yelick, Rupak Biswas: Memory-Intensive
Benchmarks: IRAM vs. Cache-Based Machines. IPDPS 2002
- Chris H. Q. Ding, Xiaofeng He, Parry Husbands,
Hongyuan Zha, Horst D. Simon: PageRank, HITS and a unified framework
for link analysis. SIGIR 2002: 353-354
- P. Husbands
and C.Isbell. MITMatlab:
A Tool for Interactive Supercomputing. To appear in Proceedings
of the Ninth SIAM Conference on Parallel Processing for Scientific
Computing, 1999.
- P. Husbands
and C. Isbell. The
Parallel Problems Server: A Client-Server Model for Large
Scale Scientific Computation. Proceedings of the Third International
Conference on Vector and Parallel Processing. Portugal, 1998.
- P. Husbands
and C. Isbell. The
Parallel Problems Server. In Proceedings of 1998 MIT Student
Workshop on High-Performance Computing in Science and Engineering.
MIT LCS Technical Report 737. Cambridge, 1998.
- Parry Husbands
and James Hoe. MPI-StarT: Delivering Network Performance to Numerical
Applications To appear in Proceedings of Supercomputing '98.
1998 (Copyright IEEE)