Marion G. Harmon
B.S. Florida State University (Mathematics Education 1979); M.S. Florida State University (Computer Science 1983)
Ph.D. Florida State University (Computer Science 1991)
Assistant Professor, Math Dept., Florida A and M University, 1986-88; Associate Professor/Chair, Department of Computer Information Systems., Florida A and M University, 1992-97; Professor and Chair, Department of Computer Information Systems., Florida A and M University, 1997- .
Research Interests: Real-Time Systems, Software Engineering, Computer Architectures; Performance Measurement, Programming Languages.
A complete list of publications can be found on Dr. Harmon's personal web page: Here are some recent publications
Randall T. White,Frank Mueller, Christopher A. Healy, David B. Whalley, and Marion G. Harmon Timing Analysis for Data Caches and Set-Associative Caches , Proceedings of the IEEE Real-Time Technology and Applications Symposium, June 1997.
Lo Ko, Nagam Al-Yaqoubi, Christopher A. Healy, Emily Ratliff, Robert Arnold, David B. Whalley, and Marion G. Harmon Timing Constraint Specification and Analysis Caches , Journal of Software-Practice and Experience, VOL 28(0), 1998
Christopher A. Healy, Robert D. Arnold, Frank Mueller, David B. Whalley, and Marion G. Harmon Bounding Pileline and Instruction Cache Performance , Journal of the IEEE Transactions on Computers, VOL 48, NO. 1.
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