Roscoe Giles
birth: 1949 in Oakland, raised in Berkeley, moved to Chicago at age 4
B.A. (1970) Physics at the University of Chicago; M.S. (1973) Physics Stanford University
Ph.D. (1975) in Physics at Stanford University.
: Full Professor Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at the College of Engineering, and Deputy Director of the Center for Computational Science, Boston University
Like Bryant York, Roscoe Giles is emploed in the Boston area. From 1977 to 1983, Dr. Giles was an Assistant Professor of Physics at Massachusetts Institute of Technology. His current research in computational science focuses on applications of parallel supercomputers to physics and materials problems. He also works in computational science education. He is a member of the NCSA Alliance Executive Committee, a team leader for the Education, Outreach, and Training Partnership for Advanced Computational Infrastructure (EOT-PACI), Deputy Director of the Center for Computational Science and co-director of the Boston University MARINER project.
In 1996, Dr. Giles won Boston University's College of Engineering Award for Excellence in Teaching.
In 2004, Roscoe Giles was selected as one of the 50 Most Important Blacks in Research Science.
Boston Globe Interview with Roscoe Giles
Research Interests:
Advanced Computer Architectures Distributed and Parallel Computing Computational Science.
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