Juan E. Gilbert
M.S. Computer Science University of Cincinnati (1995) Focus: Artificial Intelligence, Software Engineering, Databases; B.S. in Applied Science, (1991) Miami University Major: Systems Analysis
Ph.D University of Cincinnati (2000). area: Human-Computer Interaction, Expert Systems, Intelligent Tutoring Systems, Multimedia, Knowledge Engineering
Associate Professor, Auburn University Department of Computer Science and Software Engineering
web: http://www.eng.auburn.edu/~gilbert/
email: gilbert@eng.auburn.edu
In 2004-2005 academic year, Dr. Gilbert is awarded The Outstanding Faculty Member Award and The Minority Faculty Achievement Award.
Dr. Gilbert's research statement: My research involves the development of usable, intelligent and/or multimedia based software solutions to problems in education and business. Specifically, I am interested in Intelligent Tutoring Systems via the Web. Part of my research involves the use of multimedia within these systems and how multimedia enhances the learning experience. These systems involve the use of intelligent, adaptable technologies that enhance the learning experience through personalization. Each system employs the use of a knowledge base that is used in decision making. On the human-computer interaction side of my research, I am interested in the development of interface usability models in conjunction with the software engineering process. The goal of this research is to develop usability methods that are cost effective and provide precise information regarding the usability of a software system.
Gilbert, J. E. & Han, C. Y. Researching Adaptive Instruction. In Brusilovsky, P., Stock, O. and Strapparava, C., editors, Proceedings of Adaptive Hypermedia and Adaptive Web-Based Systems, Vol. 1892 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pp. 409-414. Springer-Verlag, 2000.
Gilbert, J. E. Case Based Reasoning Applied to Instruction Method Selection for Intelligent Tutoring Systems. In Workshop Proceedings of ITS'2000: Fifth International Conference on Intelligent Tutoring Systems, Montreal, CA. (2000) pp. 11-15.
Gilbert, J. E.). Beating The Odds, African Americans in Computer Science. Chapter 10 in Jones, L. (Ed.) Brothers of the Academy: Up And Coming Black Scholars Earning Our Way in Higher Education, Stylus Publishing. (2000 pp. 140-148
Gilbert, J. E. & Han, C. Y. Adapting Instruction in Search of "A Significant Difference". Journal of Network and Computing Applications, 22, 3 (1999).
Gilbert, J. E., (1999). E-Commerce & Web Branding: A Use For Persuasive Technologies. BDPA Journal Online [Online], 1, 2. Available: http://www.bdpa.org/ [1999, July 1].
Gilbert, J. E. & Han, C. Y. (1999). Arthur: Adapting Instruction to Accommodate Learning Style. In Proceedings of WebNet 99: World Conference on the WWW and Internet, Honolulu, HI: Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education, pp.433-439. (Top Paper Award)
(Interview) Frye, C. Style Matters. Inside Technology Training Magazine, 3, 8 (1999).
Gilbert, J. E. & Han, C. Y. (1999). Arthur: An Adaptive Instruction System based on Learning Styles. In Proceedings of ED-MEDIA 99: World Conference on Educational Multimedia, Hypermedia & Telecommunications, Seattle, WA: Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education, pp. 1233-1234.
Gilbert, J. E. & Han, C. Y. (1999). Arthur: Web Based Instruction using Learning Styles. In Proceedings of Syllabus 99: Educational Technology Conference, Santa Clara, CA: Syllabus Press Inc., Available: http://www.syllabus.com/syll99_proceedings/ARTHUR.HTM.
Gilbert, J. E. & Han, C. Y. (1999). Arthur: An Adaptive Instruction System based on Learning Styles. In Proceedings of M/SET 99: International Conference on Mathematics/Science Education & Technology, San Antonio, TX: Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education, pp. 100-105. Gilbert's Usability Model (GUM)
references: Dr. Gilbert's home page; Celeste Germany.
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