Patrick O. Bobbie
BSc in Computer
Science at University of Science & Technology-Ghana (1980);
M.S. in Statistics at Marquette University (1982)
PhD in Computer
Science at Univ. of Southwestern Louisiana (1986)
Professor, Florida
A&M University
Assistant Professor (1986), Associate Professor (1991), Chair
Department of Computer Science (1992-93) University of West Florida;
Associate Professor (1993), Professor (1997) Florida A&M University
Monographs, Books, & Book
- Adjeroh, D. A., Orji, C. U., Bobbie, P. O., and K.
C. Nwosu, "Multimedia Database Management Systems,"
in Encyclopedia of Microcomputers, Vol. 23, June 1999.
- Urban, J. E. and Bobbie, P. O., Software Productivity:
Through Undergraduate Software Engineering Education and CASE
Tools, in The Impact of CASE Technology on Software Processes,
Ed. Daniel E. Cooke, Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering
Series Vol. III., World Scientific, Singapore, January 1994,
pp. 327 - 347.
- Apenyo K. and Bobbie, P. O., Relational Database Systems:
Concept, Design, and Implementation, (monograph), 1995. 200 p.
- Bobbie, P. O., Ford, K. M., and Rodgers, E. G., Automated
Elicitation of Software Requirements Specification - An AI Approach,
ed. M. B. Fishman, in Advances in Artificial Intelligence Research,
Vol. 2, JAI Press, Greenwich, CT, pp. 127 - 138, 1992.
- Bobbie, P., Linear Programming as a Mathematical Model
for Economic Analysis, BSc. Thesis, University of Science and
Technology Press, Kumasi, Ghana, 1980, 57 p.
- Bobbie, P., A Family of Software Architecture for
the Support of Software LIfe Cycle Entities in a Distributed
Environment, Ph.D. Dissertation, University of Southwestern Louisiana,
LA, Sprg 1986, 129 p.
Journal Papers
- Agyapong, O-A, and Bobbie, P. O., "An Expert
System for Domain knowledge Engineering and Decision Making in
the Criminal Justice System," International Journal of Software
Engineering and Knowledge Engineering, Vol 8, No. 1, 1998, pp.
- Nwosu, C. K., Bobbie, P. O., and Orji C., "Design
and Configuration Rationales for Digital Video Storage and Delivery
Systems," Journal of Multimedia Tools and Applications,
Kluwer Academic Pub., Boston, MA, 6(1): 5-32 (1998)
- Orji C., Bobbie, P. O., and Nwosu, C. K., "Spatio-Temporal
Effects of Multimedia Objects Storage and Delivery for Video-On-Demand
Systems, ACM/Springer Multimedia Systems Journal, 5(1): 39-52
- Bobbie, P. O., "Partitioning Programs for Parallel
Execution - A Case Study in the iPSC/2 Environment," International
Journal of Mini and Microcomputers, Vol. 19, No. 2, 1997, p.
- Bobbie, P. O. and M. Huhns, Intelligent and Cooperative
Problem Solving: Guest Editors' Introduction 2nd International
Journal of Intelligent and Cooperative Information System (IJICIS),
Vol. 1, No. 2, 1993, pp. 229 - 231.
- Urban, J. E. and Bobbie, P. O., "The Impact of
Undergraduate Software Engineering Education on Advancing CASE
Tools," International Journal of Software Engineering and
Knowledge Engineering, Vol 2, No. 2, pp. 263 - 276, 1992.
- Bobbie, P. O., "Automatic, Rapid Generation of
Design Prototypes from Logic Specifications," International
Journal of Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering, Vol
1, No. 4, December 1991, pp. 331 - 350.
- Bobbie, P. O. and Papazoglou, M. P., "Clustering
PROLOG Programs for Distributed Computations," The Journal
of Systems and Software, Amsterdam, North-Holland, U.S.A., Vol.
16, No. 3, November 1991, pp. 205 - 218.
- Bobbie, P. O., "Grouping Knowledge-Base Data
into Distributable Clusters," Knowledge-Based Systems,"
Butterworth Scientific Ltd., Surrey, U.K., Vol. 3, No. 4, December
1990, pp. 230 - 235.
- Bobbie, P. O.., "Productivity Through Automated
Tools," ACM SIGSOFT Software Engineering Notes, Vol. 12,
No. 2, 1987, pp. 30-31. (cited. in Software Engineering with
Student Project Guidance by B. T. Mynatt, Prentice-Hall, 1990,
pp. 340-341 and in Systems Development, Vol., 8, No. 3, March
1988, pp. 10.)