Archie Wilmer, the third
Born: ; place: Tallahassee, Florida, raised in Mineral Wells, Texas
BS, 1982, United States Military Academy; MS, 1994, Naval Postgraduate School, Applied Mathematics
Ph.D. Naval Postgraduate School 2003
thesis: : Analytic Expression of the Buckling Loads for Stiffened Plates with Bulb-Flat Flanges; Advisor: Don DanielsonLieutenant Colonel, PhD, Department of Mathematical Sciences, United States Military Academy
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Archie Wilmer III was born in Tallahassee, Florida, but raised in Mineral Wells, Texas. He graduated from the United States Military Academy in 1982. LTC Wilmer served as an officer in the United States Army's Ordnance Corps until becoming an Operations Researcher.
LTC Wilmer's military education includes completion of the United States Army Ordnance Officer Basic and Advanced Courses, Combined Arms and Services Staff School, and the Command and General Staff College.
LTC Wilmer's military assignments include serving at Redstone Arsenal, Alabama; West Point, New York; Fort Polk, Louisiana; Fort Hood, Texas; and overseas in South Korea.
After his officer basic training course, LTC Wilmer was assigned as a company executive officer with the 8th Student Company and afterward the 4th Student Company at the Army's Missile and Munitions Center and School, Redstone Arsenal, Alabama. LTC Wilmer was selected to return to West Point to serve as an admissions outreach officer. Afterward, he was assigned to the 2nd Infantry Division (Mechanized) in Korea where he served as a Missile Materiel Maintenance Officer in the 702nd Maintenance Battalion.
Upon completion of his officer advanced training course, LTC Wilmer served four and a half years with the 5th Infantry Division (Mechanized) at Fort Polk, Louisiana. He was a Battalion S-1 (personnel officer and adjutant), then a Battalion S-2/3 (operations, security, and training officer) with the 105th Forward Support Battalion. LTC Wilmer commanded E Company (the missile maintenance company), and then C Company (the light maintenance company), in the 705th Main Support Battalion. He ended his tour at Fort Polk as a Division Staff Officer on the G-4 Staff.
After receiving his Master's degree, LTC Wilmer returned a second time to West Point and served as an instructor and assistant professor in the Department of Mathematical Sciences. After the Command and General Staff College, LTC Wilmer returned to Korea where he served as the battalion executive officer of the 227th Maintenance Battalion. He returned stateside and served as a systems analyst for the Army's Operational Test Command in Fort Hood, Texas. He obtained a doctorate degree in Applied Mathematics from the Naval Postgraduate School, Monterey, California in June 2003.
LTC Wilmer's military awards include the Meritorious Service Medal (with two oak leaf clusters), Army Commendation Medal (with two oak leaf clusters), Army Achievement Medal (with oak leaf cluster), National Defense Service Medal (2 awards), Global War on Terrorism Service Medal, Korean Defense Service Medal, Army Service Ribbon, and Army Overseas Ribbon (2 awards).
LTC Wilmer is a member of the American Mathematical Society and the Mathematical Association of America. His biography is listed in the 58th Edition of Marquis Who's Who in America.
LTC Wilmer on his third return to West Point currently serves as a senior military assistant professor in the Department of Mathematical Sciences.
He is married to the former LaTressia (Lä-Tr_´-c_-_) Holliman of Mineral Wells, Texas. They have one daughter Sterling Alexandria.
LTC Wilmer's personal vision statement is to live in awe and fear of God, with a desire to be a loving husband and father for his family, serving as an educator, enjoying all blessings from God.
His favorite scripture is Psalm 139:16 (NIV) Your eyes saw my unformed body. All the days ordained for me were written in Your book before one of them came to be.
The subject of this research is the buckling behavior of a simply supported rectangular plate, with a bulb-flat stiffener attached to one side of the plate. The plate structure is subjected to axial compression that increases to the buckling load. The stiffener cross-section has a thin web and a bulb-flat flange that extends to one side of the web. Results of the investigation include planar property formulas for the asymmetric flange geometry, an analytic expression for the Saint Venant torsional constant of the flange cross-section, and an analytic expression for the buckling load corresponding to a tripping mode of the structure. The torsional constant for the bulb-flat stiffener is 15% - 23% higher than understood previously. The analytic expression for the buckling load of the bulb-flat stiffened plates considered in this investigation yields values that are 2% - 6% higher than finite element results. It is also shown that the buckling load of a plate with a bulb-flat stiffener is 3% - 4% less than that of a plate with a T-flange stiffener with the same cross-sectional area. At the onset of stiffener tripping, the torsionally superior bulb-flat tends to bend laterally, while the flexurally superior T-flange tends to twist.
references: Archie Wilmer email correspondences (2/3/2005 & 2/6/2005);
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