Koffi B. Fadimba
place: Togo
Ph.D. University of South Carolina 1993
thesis: Regularization and Numerical Methods for a Class of Porous Media Equations; Advisor: Robert Sharpleypersonal or universal URL: http://www.usca.edu/math/fadimba/ or http://www.usca.edu/math/~mathdept/kfa/
He came to the University of South Carolina Aiken from a Visiting position at the University of Rhode Island, where I spent two years mainly teaching Undergraduate Mathematics. Before going to the University of Rhode Island, he was an Assistant Professor for 2 years, then a tenured Assistant Professor of Mathematics for 4 years at the University of Lomé in Togo, my home country. After he finished my Ph.D. program at USC Columbia, I spent the equivalent of an academic year at the Institute for Scientific Computation, Texas A & M University, in College Station as a Postdoctoral Fellow. My main research interest resides in Numerical Methods for Partial Differential Equations. See research web page for current details: http://www.usca.edu/math/fadimba%5CResearch%5Cresearch.html
- Koffi Fadimba, R. C. Sharpley: Galerkin Finite Element Method for a Class of Porous Medium Equations, Nonlinear Analysis: Real World Applications 5 (2004) pp 355-387.
- Koffi Fadimba, Error Estimates for a Regularization of a Class of Porous Medium Equation, Imhotep, J. Afr. Math. Pures Appl., Vol 3(1) (2000), pp 77-96
- Koffi Fadimba, Sur l'Operateur de Resolution de Poisson, J. Rech. Sci. Univ. Benin(Togo), vol 4(2000), no. 2, 139-145
- Koffi Fadimba, R. C. Sharpley A Priori Estimates and Regularization for a Class of Porous Medium Equations Nonlin. World 2(1995), no. 1, 13-41
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