Kokou Yano L. D. Abalo
place: Lomé, Togo
: B.S. mathematics and physics from College Protestant, Togo; M.S. applied mathematics , Kharkov State University; M.S. applied mathematics, University of Illinois
Ph.D. (1994), Clemson University mathematical sciences
thesis: Berge and Nash Games: Existence Theorems and Applications ; advisor: Michael Kostrevapersonal or universal URL:
email: abalo@erskine.edu
Phone: (864)-379-8870
Throughout the late 1990s he taught Game Theory and Optimization and Operations Research at the Institut de Mathematiques et de Sciences Physiques (Benin). Since 1995, he has worked as Maître-assistant at the Université de Lomé. He was also a Visiting Scholar earlier this year at the Center for Operations Research and Econometrics at Université Catholique de Louvain in Belgium.
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