Janice B. Walker
Birthplace: Meridian, Mississippi - raised in Florida
BS Tuskegee University; MA University of Michigan-Ann Arbort Ph.D. (1982) University of Michigan
- Ann Arbor
thesis: Closure and Expansions in Series of Complex Exponentials;
advisor: Douglas G. Dickson
Dean of the College of Arts and Sciences, Xavier University (Ohio)
URL: http://www.xu.edu/depts/mathcs/faculty/faculty_bios/walker.html
email: walker@xavier.xu.edu
Janice Walker (neƩ Brown) was surprised by the large number of African Americans in Michigan's mathematics graduate program even though Michigan has a long history of recruiting and graduating African Americans. She was pleased to find that at the University of Michigan and in Ann Arbor, generally, "racial tension was not common." The atmosphere in the Mathematics Department, support of many faculty members and the camaraderie among the students made her time at Michigan rewarding, stimulating, and comfortable.
She recalls that "African American graduate students in the doctoral program formed a close-knit group that still exists. We were a family. We celebrated successes and shared failures." While she was there, the African American students formed a mathematics society, the Ishango Mathematics Society.
Prior to her Ph.D., Ms. Walker held various positions at the University of Michigan. However, in 1982 Dr. Walker became an Assistant Professor at Xavier University of Cincinnati Ohio where she became Associate Professor in 1986. From 1992 until the present Walker has been chair of Mathematics and Computer Science at Xavier. Since 1999, Dr. Janice Walker has been Dean of the College of Arts and Sciences.
Janice Walker wrote her Ph.D. in Complex analysis, but her interest has been primarily with education. In mathematics, she has published:
A Note on Neighborhoods of Analytic Function Having Positive Real Part , International Journal of Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences 13(1990).
(with J. E. Brown), Coefficients of Nonvanishing Hp Functions , Rocky Mountain Journal of Mathematics 18 (1988).
references: Math Geneological web site; Houston, Dr. Walker
Walker SUMMA web page http://www.maa.org/summa/archive/walkerJ.htm
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