Alain Togbe
B.S. in Mathematics, National University of Benin (Benin Africa), 1984; Teaching Certificate, National University of Benin, (Benin Africa), 1985; M.A. (Differential Geometry), University of Abidjan, Cote d'Ivoire, 1988; M.A. (Algebraic Number Theory), Laval University, Quebec, Canada, 1994
Ph.D. (Algebraic Number Theory), Laval University, Quebec, Canada, 1997
thesis:Purdue University North Central
personal or universal URL:
email: atogbe@pnc.eduProfessional Experiences:
1999- 2000 Assistant Professor of Mathematics, Greenville College, Greenville, IL USA.
1999-1999: Assistant Professor, Babson College,Wellesley, MA USA.
1992-1997: Teaching and Research Assistant, Laval University, Canada.
1985-1992: Mathematics teacher, High school of Beoumi, Ivory Coast.
1983-1985: Mathematics teacher, High school of Segbeya Cotonou, BeninResearch Interests
In my thesis, we study some family of Thue equations. The method of solving these families consists of:
* searching the trivial solutions of these families;
* determining a fundamental system of units of the number field related with each equation;
* using the classical Siegel-Baker reduction of a Thue equation to a linear form of logarithms of algebraic numbers, using techniques from diophantine approximation, very accurate computations to prove that these families have no solutions except the trivial solutions, for a certain rank of the parameter.My research, also focuses on other diophantine equations such as equations in relative fields, norm forms in two dominating variables, index form equations, Thue-Mahler equations, elliptic equations, hyperelliptic equations etc.
Selected Publications
- On the solutions of a family of sextic equations, (to appear at Proceedings of the 12th Conference of ACMS, 1999).
- On the solutions of a family of quartic equations, (to appear at Math. Computation).
- On binary quadratic forms, Proceedings of the 12th Conference of ACMS, 1997, 125-135
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