Ewart A. C. Thomas
Born: 25th December, 1942
place: Guyana
B.Sc., Mathematics, University of the West Indies, 1963
Ph.D. Statistics, Cambridge University, 1967.
thesis:: Professor of Psychology, Stanford University
personal or universal URL:
email: thomas@psych.stanford.eduRESEARCH
area of research: Theoretical and experimental analyses of information processing, equity, and of small-group processes; statistical methods.
Ewart A.C. Thomas is a professor of psychology at Stanford University, having finished a five-year term as dean of the Universities School of Humanities and Sciences. His research interests include the development and application of mathematical and statistical models to many areas of psychology and social sciences with particular focus on signal detection, information processing, motivation, assessment of group differences, parent-infant interaction, categorization and inter-rater reliability. He is also pursuing research in theoretical population biology, the dynamics of language variation, law and social sciences, and economic planning in developing countries. Dr. Thomas received his Ph.D. in statistics from the University of Cambridge, England.
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