Willie E. Taylor, Jr.
Born: February 29, 1944
birthplace: Houston,Texas
B.S. (1966) and M.S. (1967) in Mathematics, Prairie View A&M
Ph.D. University of Houston 1974
thesis: Oscillatory Properties of Non-Selfadjoint Fourth Order Differential Equaitons
Advisor: Garrett Etgenareas: oscillation theory of differential equations and difference equations
Professor of Mathematics, Texas Southern University
personal or universal URL:
email: drwetjr@yahoo.comWillie Taylor, Jr. was born and raised in Houston, Texas. He attended Prairie View A&M College (now University). In 1974 he became the first African American to received a Ph.D. (in Mathematics) from the University of Houston.
Taylor's hobbies "include chess, playing word games and card games over the internet and listening to music (still digging [Jazz] Horace Silver, Coltrane and Miles).
Dr. Willie E. Talyor, currently teaches at Texas Southern University in Houston, where he is Professor of Mathematics. His field of research is oscillation theory of differential equations and difference equations in which he has published over 35 papers in this area. A search of Math Reviews turned up
26. Taylor, Willie E., Jr.; Sun, Minghua Oscillation properties of nonlinear difference equations, Portugal. Math. 52 (1995), 15--24.
25. Taylor, W. E., Jr. Fourth order difference equations: oscillation and nonoscillation, Rocky Mountain J. Math. 23 (1993), no. 2, 781--795.
24. Smith, B.; Taylor, W. E., Jr. Oscillation and nonoscillation theorems for some mixed difference equations, Internat. J. Math. Math. Sci. 15 (1992), 537--541.
23. Smith, B.; Taylor, W. E., Jr. Oscillation and nonoscillation in nonlinear third order difference equations, Internat. J. Math. Math. Sci. 13 (1990), 281--286.
22. Smith, B.; Taylor, W. E., Jr. Nonlinear third-order difference equations: oscillatory and asymptotic behavior , Tamkang J. Math. 19 (1988), 91--95.
21. Taylor, W. E., Jr.. Oscillation properties of fourth order difference equations , Portugal. Math. 45 (1988), 105--114.
20. Smith, B.; Taylor, W. E., Jr. Oscillation properties of fourth order linear difference equations , Tamkang J. Math. 18 (1987), 89--95.
19. Smith, B.; Taylor, W. E., Jr. Asymptotic behavior of solutions of a third order difference equation , Portugal. Math. 44 (1987), 113--117.
18. Etgen, G. J.; Jones, G. D.; Taylor, W. E., Jr. On the factorizations of ordinary linear differential operators , Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 297 (1986), 717--728.
17. Smith, B.; Taylor, W. E., Jr. Oscillatory and asymptotic behavior of certain fourth order difference equations , Rocky Mountain J. Math. 16 (1986), 403--406.
16. Etgen, Garret J.; Taylor, Willie E., Jr. Comparison theorems for fourth order differential equations , Internat. J. Math. Math. Sci. 9 (1986), 105--109.
15. Etgen, G. J.; Jones, G. D.; Taylor, W. E., Jr., Structure of the solution space of certain linear equations , J. Differential Equations 59 (1985), 229--242.
14. Taylor, W. E., Jr. Oscillation criteria for certain nonlinear fourth order equations , Internat. J. Math. Math. Sci. 6 (1983), 551--557.
12. Taylor, W. E., Jr. Oscillation properties of forced third order differential equations , Rocky Mountain J. Math. 13 (1983), 15--21.
11. Taylor, W. E., Jr. Oscillation and asymptotic behavior in certain differential equations of odd order , Rocky Mountain J. Math. 12 (1982), 97--102.
10. Taylor, W. E., Jr. Qualitative properties of solutions of certain fourth order linear differential equations. Internat , J. Math. Math. Sci. 4 (1981), 763--774.
9. Taylor, W. E., Jr. On the oscillation of a fourth order differential equation and its adjoint , Portugal. Math. 37 (1978), 299--305 (1981).
8. Etgen, G. J.; Taylor, W. E., Jr. Wronskians and subspaces of certain fourth order differential equations , Internat. J. Math. Math. Sci. 3 (1980), 275--292. 34C10
7. Taylor, W. E., Jr. On the oscillatory and asymptotic behavior of solutions of fifth order selfadjoint differential equations , Pacific J. Math. 77 (1978), 557--563. 34C10
6. Etgen, G. J.; Taylor, W. E., Jr. The essential uniqueness of bounded nonoscillatory solutions of certain even order differential equations , Pacific J. Math. 68 (1977), 339--346. 34C10
5. Taylor, W. E., Jr. On the oscillatory and asymptotic behavior of solutions of a certain fourth order linear differential equation , Hiroshima Math. J. 7 (1977), 667--674. 34C10 (34D05)
4. Taylor, W. E., Jr. Asymptotic behavior of solutions of a fourth order nonlinear differential equation , Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 65 (1977), 70--72. 34C10
3. Taylor, Willie E., Jr. On the solutions of certainnon-self-adjoint differential equations of fourth order , Atti Accad. Naz. Lincei Rend. Cl. Sci. Fis. Mat. Natur. (8) 58 (1975), 851--860. 34C10
2. Etgen, G. J.; Taylor, W. E., Jr. On the oscillation of a class of fourth order differential equations , Rocky Mountain J. Math. 6 (1976), 71--84. 34C10
1. Taylor, W. E., Jr. On the solutions of certain fourth order quasilinear differential equations , J. Mathematical and Physical Sci. 9 (1975), no. 6, 551--559. 34C10
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