Atu Mensa Taylor
Born: (died 1977)
place: Ghana
M.A. Oxford University (1947)?
D.Phil University of Oxford 1967
thesis: Some Problems in Quantum Theory and its Classical Limit; Advisor: John Lewis
Paulus Gerdes, "Francis Allotey had told me that he and Daniel Akyeampong were the first Ghanaian doctors in mathematics (both 1966). Taylor's thesis advisor, John Trevor Lewis, got his own Ph.D. in 1955, so it may be that Taylor was a long time lecturer and did his masters in the 1940's."
We are still researching Dr. Taylor. In 2000, we received the note below from K.Asare "P& K.Asare " <P&>. Using a letter from Paulus Gerdes of the AMU and the AMS' Mathematics Geneological website I was able to retrieve the information posted above.
This is to provide you with some information, that as early as 1947, there were some Blacks (1st Blacks) studying in areas such as Mathematics at Oxford University, England.They include the late Dr.A.M.Taylor-; Dr.Taylor (Ghanaian) lectured at Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology, Kumasi for about 30 years until his untimely death in April,1977.
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