Theodore Roosevelt Sykes
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Born: December 3, 1930
place: Arlington, Georgia
died November 20, 1996
B.S. (1951) Virginia Union University; MA (1953) Pennsylvania State University
Ph.D. (1962) Pennsylvania State University
Theodore Sykes earned his B.S. in mathematics from Virginia Union University in 1951 and, from Pensylvania State University, his M.A. degree in 1953. After a stint in the Army and teaching at Virginia Union, he earned his Ph.D. in mathematics from Pennsylvania State University in 1962. He was one of the first twenty African Americans to earn a doctorate in mathematics. His research interest was in the area of orthogonal linear spaces.
Dr. Sykes' first academic position after receiving his doctorate was at North Carolina A&T State University in Greensboro, NC where he held the position of professor and Chairman of the Department of Mathematics from 1962-67. In 1967, Dr. Sykes joined the Department of Mathematics at Fisk University as Professor of Mathematics until 1996 and Chairman from 1974 until his retirement in 1996. In 1994 he received NAM's Distinguish Service Award.
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