Beauregard Stubblefield
October 2000
Born: July 31, 1923
Birthplace: Navosota,Texas
B.S. (1943) and an M.A. (1945) from Prairieview College; M.S. (1951) University of Michigan
Ph.D. (1959) from the University of Michigan
personal or universal URL:
email:From 1952--56, Dr.Beauregard Stubblefield was Professor and Head of the Department of Mathematics of the University of Liberia at Monrovia. He was a Research Mathematician at Detroit Arsenal (1957-1959). From 1959-60 he served as Lecturer and National Science foundation Post-Doctoral Fellow at the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor, Michigan. From 1960-61 he served as assistant Professor of Mathematics at Stevens Institute of Technology in Hoboken, New Jersey. From 1961-67(on leave 1967-70), Stubblefield served as associate Professor of Mathematics, Oakland University, Rochester, Michigan. In 1967-68, he was a Senior National Teaching Fellow at Prairie View, Texas; and a Visiting Professor and Visiting Scholar, Texas Southern University, 1968-69. For the next two years(1969-71) he was Director of Mathematics in the Thirteen College Curriculum Program. From 1971-76, he served as Professor of Mathematics at Appalachian State University in Boone, North Carolina. From October 1976 to June 1981 he served as Mathematician/EEO Manager, U.S. Department of Commerce, Boulder, Colorado. He retired from the Department of Commerce as a mathematician with GERL/ERL/NOAA in 1992. He is the recipient of NAM's Distinguished Service Award in 1994. Dr. Stubblefield was also among those who helped to establish NAM as an international organization. In 1978, he was the person who approved NAM's first major grant (from NOAA). In 2000, Und Dr. Stubblefield became the eighth recipient of NAM's Lifetime Achievement Award, NAM's highest Award.
Dr. Beauregard Stubblefield has published several books on elementary texts on geometry, trigonometry, and computer programming. His research publications are:
1. Some imbedding and non-imbedding theorems for N-manifolds, Transactions AMS 103 (1962), 403-420.
2. The number of topologies on a set of eight elements, Communications of the Association for Computing Machinery, 1973.
3. Lower bounds for odd perfect numbers (beyond the googol), Black Mathematicians and Their Works, Dorrance & Co. Ardmore, Pa. (1980), 211-22.
Dr. Stubblefield's teaching monographs are:
Informal Geometry, Preliminary Edition, The Shebarb Co., 1967.
An Intuitive Approach to Elementary Geometry, The Brooks/Cole Co. 1969
Structures of Number Systems, The Shebarb Co.
References: [Newell, Gipson, Rich, and Stubblefield]
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