Robert S. Smith
Born: 1941
place: Baltimore, Md.
B.S. Mathematics Morgan State College (1963); M.A. (Mathematics) Pennsylvania State University (1967)
Ph.D. (Mathematics) Pennsylvania State University (1969).
thesis:Professor of Mathematics and Statistics at Miami University of Ohio
personal or universal URL:
email: smithrs@muohio.eduDr. Smith has been on the faculty of Miami University in the Department of Mathematics and Statistics since 1969; however, his career has been punctuated with visiting positions at the University of North Carolina (Chapel Hill), Butler University (Indianapolis), and LaTrobe University (Melbourne, Australia). Dr. Smith is also the Director of Miami University's Junior Scholars Program (since 1993).
Robert Smith's web page:
e-mail: RSSmith@MUOhio.EduSince 1987, he has been involved in a variety of innovative computer-based teaching projects. These include teaching undergraduate mathematics with a spreadsheet, and teaching abstract algebra using cooperative learning (i.e., group work) and ISETL (a mathematical programming language). He is an expert in the area of teaching mathematics with a spreadsheet and is a frequent presenter at regional, national, and international conferences on technology in collegiate mathematics.
For Dr. Smith, teaching is the primary activity around which all others orbit. His dedication to his students and the pedagogical effort have been recognized by both students and colleagues. He has been nominated for over 10 outstanding teacher or distinguished educator awards since 1987. In 1994, he was awarded the Mathematical Association of America Ohio Section Award for Distinguished College or University Teaching of Mathematics.
Smith is also an international educational consultant. From 1995 to 1998, he was an Assistant Examiner and the External Advisor in Higher Level Mathematics for the International Baccalaureate Organization in Cardiff, Wales.
Professor Smith is quite experienced in working with young people. In addition to his 40 some years of university teaching, he has been the advisor to the Ohio Delta Chapter of Pi Mu Epsilon (the national mathematics honor society) for 6 years. During his tenure as advisor, the Ohio Delta Chapter of Pi Mu Epsilon became one of the largest and most active chapters in the nation. In summer 1992, he organized the first Joint Pi Mu Epsilon/Mathematical Association of America Student Chapters Meeting and it was held at Miami University. He has been a national officer in Pi Mu Epsilon since 1992 and now serves as President. Smith has been very active in the Mathematical Association of America serving on numerous regional and national committees. His most significant assignment was to chair the Program Committee for the January 1994 national meeting held in Cincinnati.
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