Temba Shonhiwa
place: Zimbabwe
B.Sc(Hons) (University of Zimbabwe); M.Sc (University of Bristol, United Kingdom)
Ph.D. West Virginia University 1996
thesis: Investigations in Number Theoretic Functions
Advisor: Henry GouldUniversity of Zimbabwe
personal or universal URL:
email:Teaching Experience: University of Zimbabwe, Harare, Zimbabwe; West Virginia University, Morgantown, WV, U.S.A.; Chowan College, Murfreesboro, NC, U.S.A.
Areas of Interest: Number Theory; Combinatorics; Algebra.
Books Published
T. Shonhiwa: Introduction to Vector Analysis. University of Zimbabwe Publications. October 2000
Papers Published
8. T. Shonhiwa: On A Class of Prime-detecting Congruences. Discrete Mathematics 204 (1999) 357-368.
7. T. Shonhiwa: Generalized LCM Based Counting Functions. Utilitas Mathematica 55 (1999),pp 3-15.
6. T. Shonhiwa and H. W. Gould: Functions of GCD's and LCM's. Indian Journal of Mathematics 39, Number 1 (1997).
5. T. Shonhiwa and H. W. Gould: A Generalization of Cesa'ro's function and Other Results. Indian Journal of Mathematics, 39. Number 2. (1997)
4. T. Shonhiwa: Generalized Bracket Function Inverse Pairs. The Fibonacci Quarterly 37 (1999) 233-239.
3. T. Shonhiwa, A generalization of the Euler and Jordan Totient Functions. The Fibonacci Quarterly 37 1999, 67-76.
2. T. Shonhiwa and M. B. Zaturska: Disappearance of Criticality in Thermal Ignition for a Simple Reactive Viscous Flow. Journal of Applied Mathematics and Physics 37 (ZAMP 1986).
1. T. Shonhiwa and M. B. Zaturska: Disappearance of Criticality in Thermal Explosion for Reactive Viscous Flows. Comustion Flame 67 (1987), 175-177.
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