Frederick John Semwogerere
place: Uganda
M.S. Northwestern University
Ph.D. at the Universiy of California at Berkeley 1994
thesis: Discrete Representations of the Bratteli Non-Commutative Spheres;Associate Professor of Mathematics at Clark-Atlanta University.
personal or universal URL:
email: semwogerere@mindspring.comHere are a few notes supplied by Janis Oldham:
He is from Uganda, and has taught at the University of Lesotho in South Africa (I am not sure that is what the university is called). I do not know his residency status, but he has enough of a visa to be able to work in the United States. He is working on a book, which I am supposed to be reading and making comments on. His Masters degree is from Northwestern University in Evanston; he was there at the same time as Carl Prather.
Fred was the last of "our gang to graduate from Berkeley. We used to have lots of fun because he had the only children for our annual Christmas parties. He is a very smart man.
Mathematically, Dr. Semwogerere's interests are in C*-Algebras.
Mickens, R. E.; Semwogerere, D. Fourier analysis of a rational harmonic balance approximation for periodic solutions. J. Sound Vibration 195 (1996), no. 3, 528--530.
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