DeJuran Richardson
Ph.D. Northwestern University 1987
thesis:Advisor: Ajitkumar Tamhane
Adjunct Associate Professor of Biostatistics, Harvard School of Public Health
Associate Professor of Mathematics, Lake Forrest College UniversityURL:
email: richardson@lfc.eduRESEARCH
Interests: Methods for analyzing data in the presence of informative or nonignorable missingness. In particular, examining ways of analyzing time-to-event data when censoring mechanisms depend in some way on the event of interest; design and conduct of clinical trials within African American communities.
10. Richardson D, Leurgans S. Sample Size Justification in Phase III/IV Clinical Trials. J. Neuroepi., 1998; 17: 63-66.
9. Gorelick P, Leurgans S, Richardson D. Justification for Mega Trials. Is More Better? Current Review of Cerebrovascular Disease, 2nd Edition, Fisher and Bogousslavsky, Editors, 1998.
8. Miller D, Anderson G, Starks G, Richardson D. PhaseI/II Trial of the Safety and Efficacy of Shark Cartilage in the Treatment of Advanced Cancer. J. Clin. Oncol., 1998; 16: 3649-55.
7. Gorelick P, Leurgans S, Richardson D, et al. African American Antiplatelet Stroke Prevention Study (AAASPS): Clinical Trial Design. J. Stroke and Cerebrovascular Dis., 1998; 7: 426-34.
6. Gorelik PB, Richardson D, et al. Establishing a Community Network for Recruitment of African Americans into a Clinical Trial: The AAASPS Experience. Journal of the National Medical Association, 1996; 88: 701-04.
5. Byrd WM, Clayton LA, Kinchen K, Richardson D, et al. Announcing the Preliminary Results of the NMA Physician's Questionnaire. Journal of the National Medical Association, 1994; 86: 93-104.
4. Richardson D, Liou S-H, Kahn JO. Uric Acid and Didanosine Compliance in AIDS Clinical Trials: An Analysis of AIDS Clinical Trials Group Protocols 116A and 116B/117. J. Acq. Imm. Def. Syn., 1993; 6: 1212-1223.
3. Richardson D. Withdrawal Censoring and the Logrank Procedure. Statistics in Medicine, 1992; 11: 1359-66.
92e:62190 62P10 (62L10 62L12)
2. Richardson, DeJuran. A two-sample parametric group sequential procedure for monitoring clinical trials. Comm. Statist. Theory Methods 19 (1990), no. 8, 3111--3126.
1. Richardson D. Group Sequential Procedures for Comparing Two Treatments. J National Tech Assoc, 1989; 62: 65-68.
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