Aida Paalman
place: Surinam
Aida B. Paalman-De Miranda was born in Surinam and traveled to The Netherlands, where she studied at the University of Amsterdam under the famous Dutch Topologist Johannes deGroot. She has retired from the faculty of the University of Amsterdam. Her faculty home page: email:
A colloquium to mark Professor Paalman-de Miranda's retirement was held at the Universiteit van Amsterdam, 1997-09-12.
She published a book, and 11 papers.
1. Paalman-de Miranda, A. B. Topological semigroups.
Mathematical Centre Tracts, 11 Mathematisch Centrum, Amsterdam
11. Paalman-de Miranda, A. B. Constructions with ruler and compasses. (Dutch) Geometry, from art to science (Dutch), 47--56, CWI Syllabi, 33, Math. Centrum, Centrum Wisk. Inform., Amsterdam, 1993.
10. Paalman-de Miranda, Aïda B. A note on $W$-groups. Math. Systems Theory 5 (1971), 168--171.
9. Paalman-de Miranda, A. B. Topological representation of semigroups. 1967 General Topology and its Relations to Modern Analysis and Algebra, II (Proc. Second Prague Topological Sympos., 1966) 276--282
8. Paalman-de Miranda, A. B. Topological representation of semigroups. Math. Centrum Amsterdam Afd. Zuivere Wisk. 1966
7. Paalman-de Miranda, A. B. Finitely generated commutative semigroups. (Dutch) Math. Centrum Amsterdam Afd. Zuivere Wisk. 1965
6. Paalman-de Miranda, A. B. Completely simple semigroups with a null element. (Dutch) Math. Centrum Amsterdam Afd. Zuivere Wisk. 1964.
5. Baayen, P. C.; Paalman-de Miranda, A. B. Disjoint open and closed sets in the complement of a discrete space in its \v Cech-Stone compactification. (Dutch) Math. Centrum Amsterdam Afd. Zuivere Wisk. 1963 1963 ZW-008, 3 pp.
4. Paalman-de Miranda, A. B. The space of a topological group. (Dutch) Math. Centrum Amsterdam Afd. Zuivere Wisk. 1963.
2. Helmberg, Gilbert; Paalman-de Miranda, Aida Almost no sequence is well distributed. Nederl. Akad. Wetensch. Proc. Ser. A 67 = Indag. Math. 26 1964 488--492.
1. de Vries, H.; de Miranda, A. B. Groups with a small number of automorphisms. Math. Z 68 1958 450--464.
I must thank Jan Aarts of Delfst University (The Netherlands) for this information.
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