Yewande Olubummo
Born: February 8, 1960
place: Ibadan, Nigeria
Ph.D. . University
of Massachusetts 1991
thesis: Measures on Empirical Logics and the Properties of
Their Associated Dual Banach Spaces ; Advisor: Thurlow Cook
Spelman College
Yewande Olubummo is the daughter of the late distnguished pioneer of mathematical research in Africa, Adegoke Olubummo. Presently she is, Assistant Professor of Mathematics, Spelman College. She earned her B.S. from the University of Ibadan (Nigeria) her M.S. at Yale University, and her Ph.D. from the University of Massachusettes. email:
Dr. Olubummo has published
(with Thurlow A. Cook) Operational logics and the Hahn-Jordan property, Found. Phys. 20 (1990), 905--913.
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