Luna Isaac Mishoe Born: January 5, 1917; place: Bucksport, South Carolina Died: January 1989 B.S. Mathematics (1936) Allen University; M.S. Mathematics and Physics (1942) University of Michigan Ph.D. New York
University 1953 field: Applied Mathematics, Mathematical Physics |
"I attended the Marion County Training School which had a graduating class between 24 and 30 students at that time. They had some good subjects and you always took algebra and geometry... If I would put a little more time on my studies, I could head my class, I spent more time with geometry... I really found mathematics ... not difficult if one would take the time to do it.... Then I had a teacher... She spent the time with me, she would stay after class to help me in the study of mathematics and science ans for four years we did that."
Luna Isaac Mishoe earned his B.S. in mathematics and chemistry from Allen University in 1938. Mishoe was a fellow student with Clarence Stephens (the ninth African American to obtain a Ph.D. in mathematics) at the University of Michigan and obtained his M.S. in mathematics and physics from the University of Michigan in 1942. He earned a Ph.D. mathematics from New York University in 1953. He held a Postdoctorate position at Oxford University (England) in 1955-56. From 1954 until 1960 Dr. Mishoe, worked in the Ballistic Research Laboratory, and was professor of Physics and Dean of Natural Sciences at Morgan State University (then College), where Stephens was Chair of Mathematics. In 1960, Mishoe became President of Delaware State College (now University) in Dover, Delaware.
Dr. Mishoe died in January 1989 of cancer. He was the President of Delaware State for 27 years.
Ignoring repetitions, Mathematics Reviews lists the following as publications of Dr. Mishoe:
6. Luna I. Mishoe, On the expansion of an arbitrary function in terms of the eigenfunctions of a non-selfadjoint differential system , New York University, 1953.
5. Luna I. Mishoe and Bernard Friedman, Eigenfunction expansions associated with a non-self-adjoint differential equation , Pacific J. Math. 6 (1956), 249--270.
4. Luna I. Mishoe and Gloria C. Ford (now Gilmer), On the limit of the coefficients of the eigenfunction series associated with a certain non-self-adjoint differential system , Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 7 (1956), 260--266.
3. Luna I. Mishoe and Gloria C. Ford (now Gilmer), On the uniform convergence of a certain eigenfunction series , Pacific J. Math. 6 (1956), 271--278.
2. Luna I. Mishoe, Fourier series and eigenfunction expansions associated with a non-self-adjoint differential equation , Quart. Appl. Math. 20 1962/1963, 175--181.
1. Luna I. Mishoe, On the Gibb's phenomenon in a certain eigenfunction series , Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 9 (1958), 1--5.
References: [Gilmer], [MathSciNet]; [Miller]; [Newell]; [Taylor]; [Mishoe]; Dr. Mishoe's daughter Rita Paige, and granddaughter Ayanna Mishoe.
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