William A. Massey
Born: 1956
Birthplace: Jefferson City, Missouri
A.B. (Mathematics)
Princeton University 1977
Ph.D. (Mathematics)
Stanford University (1981)
thesis: Non--Stationary Queues; advisor Joseph Keller
Dr. William A.
Massey, Edwin S. Wilsey Professor of Operations
Research and Financial Engineering; Engineering Quadrangle;
Princeton University; Princeton, NJ 08544
Dr. Massey's home page: http://www.princeton.edu/~wmassey/
Research Interests: Queueing Theory, Applied Probability,
Stochastic Processes, Special Functions, and Performance Modelling
of Telecommunication Systems.
William A. Massey was born in Jefferson City, Missouri, as
the youngest of two sons of Richard and Juliette Massey. He is
a graduate of the public schools of St. Louis, Missouri and attended
high school in University City, a suburb of St. Louis. After receiving
a Harvard Book Award and a National Achievement Scholarship at
University City High School, he entered Princeton University in
1973. There, he encountered his first real introduction to research
mathematics in an honor calculus course taught by the late Ralph
Fox. He wrote his undergraduate senior thesis, titled "Galois
Connections on Local Fields,'' in algebraic number theory, under
the direction of the late Bernard Dwork, and graduated from Princeton
in 1977 with an A.B. in Mathematics (Magna Cum Laude, Phi Beta
Kappa, and Sigma Xi). That same year he was awarded a Bell Labs
Cooperative Research Fellowship for minorities to attend graduate
school in the department of mathematics at Stanford University.
In 1981, he received his Ph.D. degree from Stanford and his thesis,
titled "Non-Stationary Queues,'' was directed by Joseph Keller.
Since 1981, Dr. Massey has been a member of technical staff
in the Mathematical Sciences Research Center at Bell Laboratories,
a division of Lucent Technologies. His research interests include
Queueing Theory, Applied Probability, Stochastic Processes, Special
Functions, and the Performance Modelling of Telecommunication
Systems. He has published 50 papers in areas such as nonstationary
queues, stochastic ordering, queueing networks, database theory,
and wireless communications. One of his publications made him
the co-author of a patent on server staffing.
In 2001, Massey has accepted the position of Edwin S. Wilsey
Professor of Operations Research and Financial Engineering at
Princeton University/ He is Full Professor.
Working at Bell Labs, Dr. Massey became the first Cooperative
Research Fellowship Program (CRFP) fellow to become a mentor of
another CRFP fellow, Arlie Petters. In 1997, he was awarded the
W. Lincoln Hawkins Mentoring Excellence Award at Bell Laboratories.
This is their highest award for mentorship which recognizes his
service in fostering the career growth and personal development
of students and associates. In fact, he has seven research publications
coauthored with minority students who have worked with him as
summer employees at Bell Labs. Dr. Massey has co-organized all
7 of the CAARMS conferences,
the annual Conference for African American Researchers in the
Mathematical Sciences, which he co-founded in 1995, and founded
of the Council
for African American Researchers in the Mathematical
Sciences, and currently on the Executive Board of the
National Association of Mathematicians (NAM) Under his guidance
and vision, CAARMS has grown from an event offering only 12 research
talks and 3 discussion sessions to one that also has tutorials,
a graduate student poster session, a keynote speaker, and published
proceedings. In fact, he has seven publications that are coauthored
with minority students who have worked with him as summer employees
at Bell Labs.
Dr. Massey is an internationally known researcher in applied
probability and has coauthored papers with colleagues from Canada,
France and Israel. He has given invited lectures at the American
Mathematical Society (AMS) national conference, the AMS southeastern
regional conference, the Congreso Nacional de la Sociedad Matematica
Mexicana, the Bouchet Conference for African and African American
Physicists and Mathematicians that was held in Ghana as well as
conferences held in Canada and Germany. In 1996, he was given
NAM's Distinguished Service Award and invited to give the William
W. S. Claytor Lecture. He a member of AMS, INFORMS and SIAM and
is currently on the Executive Board of the National Association
of Mathematicians (NAM). His hobbies include graphic design and
photography. His interest in the former has resulted in the creation
of the CAARMS logo, the Mathematicians of the African Diaspora
(MAD) logo and the redesign of the NAM logo. As a result of his
interest in photography, many of his photos of contemporary African
American mathematicians have found a home on various webpages
throughout the internet.
Selected Publications
- Massey, W. A.; Morrison,
J. A. Calculation of steady-state probabilities for content
of buffer with correlated inputs. Bell System Tech. J.
57 (1978), no. 9, 3097--3117.
- Massey, William A.
Open networks of queues: their algebraic structure and estimating
their transient behavior. Adv. in Appl. Probab. 16
(1984), no. 1, 176--201.
- Massey, William A.
An operator-analytic approach to the Jackson network.
J. Appl. Probab. 21 (1984), no. 2, 379--393.
- Goodman, Jonathan B.; Massey,
William A. The nonergodic Jackson network. J.
Appl. Probab. 21 (1984), no. 4, 860--869.
- Massey, William A.
Asymptotic analysis of the time dependent $M/M/1$ queue.
Math. Oper. Res. 10 (1985), no. 2, 305--327.
- Massey, William A.
A family of bounds for the transient behavior of a Jackson
network. J. Appl. Probab. 23 (1986), no. 2,
- Massey, William A..
Calculating exit times for series Jackson networks. J.
Appl. Probab. 24 (1987), no. 1, 226--234.
- Massey, William A.
Stochastic orderings for Markov processes on partially ordered
spaces. Math. Oper. Res. 12 (1987), no. 2,
- Baccelli, François; Massey,
William A. On the busy period of certain classes of
queueing networks. Computer performance and reliability
(Rome, 1987), 3--11, North-Holland, Amsterdam, 1988.
- A. G. Greenberg; Massey,
William A. Simple, Efficient Computation of the Generalized
Throughput of Jackson Networks, Proceedings of the
26th Annual Allerton Conference on Communication, Control, and
Computing, (1988).
- Baccelli, François; Massey,
William A. A sample path analysis of the $M/M/1$ queue.
J. Appl. Probab. 26 (1989), no. 2, 418--422.
- Baccelli, François; Massey,
William A.; Towsley, Don Acyclic fork-join queuing
networks. J. Assoc. Comput. Mach. 36 (1989),
no. 3, 615--642.
- Massey, William A.;
Srinivasan, Rengarajan A heavy traffic analysis for semi-open
networks. Performance '90 (Edinburgh, 1990), 289--300,
North-Holland, Amsterdam, 1990.
- Massey, William A.;
Srinivasan, Rengarajan A heavy traffic analysis for semi-open
networks. Performance '90 (Edinburgh, 1990). Performance
Evaluation 13 (1991), no. 1, 59--66.
- Massey, William A.
Stochastic ordering for Markov processes on partially ordered
spaces with applications to queueing networks. Stochastic
orders and decision under risk (Hamburg, 1989), 248--260,
IMS Lecture Notes Monogr. Ser., 19, Inst. Math. Statist.,
Hayward, CA, 1991.
- Massey, William A.;
Whitt, Ward A probabilistic generalization of Taylor's theorem.
Statist. Probab. Lett. 16 (1993), no. 1, 51--54.
- Massey, William A.;
Whitt, Ward Networks of infinite-server queues with nonstationary
Poisson input. Queueing Systems Theory Appl. 13
(1993), no. 1-3, 183--250.
- Eick, Stephen G.; Massey,
William A.; Whitt, Ward The physics of the $M\sb t/G/\infty$
queue. Oper. Res. 41 (1993), no. 4, 731--742.
- S. Eick; Massey, W. A.;
W. Whitt, Infinite-Server Queues with Sinusoidal Arrival Rates,
Management Science, 39 (January 1993), pp. 241-252.
- Baccelli, François; Massey,
William A.; Wright, Paul E. Determining the exit time
distribution for a closed cyclic network. Theoret. Comput.
Sci. 125 (1994), no. 1, 149--165.
- Massey, William A.;
Whitt, Ward Unstable asymptotics for nonstationary queues.
Math. Oper. Res. 19 (1994), no. 2, 267--291.
- Massey, William A.;
Whitt, Ward An analysis of the modified offered-load approximation
for the nonstationary Erlang loss model. Ann. Appl. Probab.
4 (1994), no. 4, 1145--1160.
- Massey, W. A.; W.
Whitt, On the Modiied-Offered-Load Approximation for the Nonstationary
Erlang Loss Model, The Fundamental Role of Teletraffic
in the Evolution of Telecommunication Networks (14th International
Teletraffic Congress). 1994, 145-153.
- Massey, W. A.; W.
Whitt, The Highway PALM: A Stochastic Model to Capture Space
and Time Dynamics in Wireless Communication Systems, The
Fundamental Role of Teletraffic in the Evolution of Telecommunication
Networks (14th International Teletraffic Congress), June 1994,
pp. 503-512.
- K. Leung, Massey, W. A.;
W. Whitt, Traffic Models for Wireless Communications Networks,
IEEE Journal on Selected Areas on Communications, 12 (October
1994), pp. 1353-1364.
- Massey, W. A.; W.
Whitt, A Stochastic Model to Capture Space and Time Dynamics
in Wireless Communication Systems, Probability in the Engineering
and Informational Sciences, 8 (1994), pp. 541-569.
- Mandelbaum, Avi; Massey,
William A. Strong approximations for time-dependent
queues. Math. Oper. Res. 20 (1995), no. 1,
- Dean, Nathaniel;
Kelmans, A. K.; Lih, Keh-Wei; Massey,
William A.; Winkler, Peter The spanning tree enumeration
problem for digraphs. Graph theory, combinatorics, and
algorithms, Vol. 1, 2 (Kalamazoo, MI, 1992), 277--287, Wiley-Intersci.
Publ., Wiley, New York, 1995.
- Massey, William A.
Stability for queues with time varying rates. Stochastic
networks (New York, 1995), 95--107, Lecture Notes in Statist.,
117, Springer, New York, 1996.
- Massey, William A.;
Whitt, Ward Peak congestion in multi-server service systems
with slowly varying arrival rates. Queueing Systems Theory
Appl. 25 (1997), no. 1-4,
- Massey, William A.;
Clement McCalla, Ward
Witt, Applications of the Infinite-Server Queue to the Management
of Private Line Services. Proceedings of 1997 AT&T
Services and Infrastructure Symposium (SIPS-97), Middletown,
NJ, November 18-19, 1997, pp. 132-141.
- Massey, William A.;
Whitt, Ward Uniform acceleration expansions for Markov chains
with time-varying rates. Ann. Appl. Probab. 8 (1998),
no. 4, 1130--1155.
- Mandelbaum, Avi; Massey,
William A.; Reiman, Martin I. Strong approximations
for Markovian service networks. Queueing Systems Theory
Appl. 30 (1998), no. 1-2, 149--201.
- Massey, William A.;
Srinivasan, Raj Steady state analysis with heavy traffic limits
for semi-open networks. Stochastic models (Ottawa, ON,
1998), 331--352, CMS Conf. Proc., 26, Amer. Math. Soc.,
Providence, RI, 2000.
- Massey, William A.
Mathematics is four dimensional. Council for African American
Researchers in the Mathematical Sciences, Vol. III (Baltimore,
MD, 1997/Ann Arbor, MI, 1999), 147--158, Contemp. Math.,
275, Amer. Math. Soc., Providence, RI, 2001.
- Hampshire, Robert C.; Massey,
William A.; Mitra, Debasis; Wang, Qiong Provisioning
for bandwidth sharing and exchange. Telecommunications
network design and management (Boca Raton, FL, 2002), 207--225,
Oper. Res./Comput. Sci. Interfaces Ser., 23, Kluwer Acad.
Publ., Boston, MA, 2003.
references: communications with Massey, Mathematical
Reviews, Petters on Massey
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