Oluwole Daniel Makinde
Birthplace: Nigeria
B. Sc. (Mathematics)
University of Ife (1987); in Ile-Ife, Nigeria, and the M.Sc. (Applied
Mathematics) Obafemi Awolowo University (1990), in Ile-Ife, Nigeria.
Ph.D. (Applied
Mathematics) University of Bristol (1996), United Kingdom.
thesis: Laminar Flow in Channels and Tubes of VaryingCross-Section;
Advisor: Professor P. G. Drazin
Professor and Head
of Applied Mathematics Department, University of the North, South
Professorial Chair Inaugural Address in Applied Mathematics: "Recent Developments on Singularity analysis and bifurcation study in science and engineering using series summation techniques", University of Limpopo, South Africa, (2004).
Oluwole Daniel Makinde was awarded the prestigeous YOUNG AFRICAN MATHEMATICIANi n 2003.
A brief comment from Dr. Makinde:
Being a Black man in the World of Mathematics especially in Africa is not a very pleasant experience. One has to learn how to work with little or no facility.
A current address for Dr. Makinde is
Professor Oluwole D. Makinde
Head, Applied Mathematics Department
University of the North
Private Bag X1106
Sovenga 0727
South Africa
Tell: +27-15-2682459 (Office)
Tel/Fax: +27-15-2912395 (Home)
Fax: +27-15-2683075 (Office)
Cellphone: 0822005182
E-Mail: makindeo@unin.unorth.ac.za
In November of 2003, Dr. Oguntuase was awarded a Young
African in Mathematics medal by the AMU and the ICMS.
Dr. Makinde has published 5 books and more than 50 papers.
(1)O. D. Makinde and P.
Sibanda (2000): "A Mathematical Introduction to
Incompressible Flow" Textbook published by University of
Zimbabwe Press, ISBN
(2) O. D. Makinde and P.
Sibanda (2000): "Particle Mechanics" Textbook
published by University of Zimbabwe Press, ISBN 0-908307-79-9.
(3) O. D. Makinde and P.
Sibanda (2000): "A Teaching Module on Mechanics",
Zimbabwe Open University, Zimbabwe.
(4) O. D. Makinde and P.
Sibanda (2000): "A Teaching Module on Fluid Mechanics
I", Zimbabwe Open University, Zimbabwe.
(5) O. D. Makinde and P.
Sibanda (2000): "A Teaching Module on Fluid Mechanics
II", Zimbabwe Open University, Zimbabwe.
1. O. D. Makinde and S. Idowu: Entropy rate
in solar wind flow. Jour. Nig.
Assoc.Math. Phys. Vol. 1, 77-80, 1992.
2. O. D. Makinde: Unsteady incompressible flow in
a porous channel. Proc.
Rom. Appl. Indust. Math. Oradea, 47-58, 1994.
3. O. D. Makinde: A Mathematical model of solar wind
flow. Jour. Math. Phys.
Sc. Vol. 29, 253-261, 1995.
4. O. D. Makinde: Laminar flow in a channel of varying
width with permeable
boundaries. Romanian Jour. Phys. Vol. 40, Nos. 4-5,
403-417, 1995.
5. O. D. Makinde: Computer extension and bifurcation
study by analytic
continuation of porous tube flow. Jour. Math. Phys. Vol. 30,
1-24, 1996.
6. O. D. Makinde: Steady flow in a linearly diverging
asymmetrical channel.
Comp. Assist. Mech. Eng. Sc. Vol. 4, 157-165, 1997.
7. O. D. Makinde and E. M. Lungu: On the flow of
a viscous fluid driven along
a tube by a moving surface. Jour. Inst. Math. Comp. Sc. Vol.
8, No. 2, 87-98,
8. O. D. Makinde and P. Sibanda: Computer
extended series for pipe flow:
Effect of viscosity variation due to variation in temperature.
Jour. Appl. Sc.
Southern Africa Vol. 3, Nos. 1-2, 73-78, 1997.
9. O. D. Makinde: Free convection flow in a circular
pipe with or without
heat sources. Jour.
Transfigural Math. Vol. 4, No. 2, 41-47; 51-57,
10. O. D. Makinde and P. Sibanda: Effect of viscosity
variation due to
variation in temperature on plane-Poiseuille flow. A. M. S.
E., Modelling, Simulation
& Control, Vol. 66, Nos. 1, 33-39, 1998.
11. O. D. Makinde and P. Sibanda: On suction driven
flow and heat transfer in
a pipe filled with porous media. Comp. Assist. Mech. Eng.
Sc., Vol. 5, 389-398,
12. O. D. Makinde: Extending the utility of perturbation
series to problems
of laminar flow in a porous and a diverging tube. Jour. Australian
Math. Soc.
Series B, Vol. 41, 118-128, 1999.
13. O. D. Makinde: Laminar flow and heat transfer
in a tube with moving
surface. Proc. Cognition Modelling, Lyon-France, 9.6-9.9,
14. O. D. Makinde: Flow separation and heat transfer
in a slightly diverging
channel. Proc. VIITH Conf. NMCM, Slovak Republic, 306-311,
15. O. D. Makinde: Magneto-Hydrodynamics of the sliding
plate. Proc. Int.
Conf. Math. Indust. Zimbabwe, 33-38, 1998.
16. O. D. Makinde and M. Gumbo: Transient flow in
a porous channel. Proc.
Int. Conf. Math. Indust. Zimbabwe, 55-60, 1998.
17. O. D. Makinde and C. Makasu: A study of pulsatile
blood flow and heat
transfer in a tube of slowly varying cross-section. Proc.
Int. Conf. Math. Indust.
Zimbabwe, 61-69, 1998.
18. O. D. Makinde and S. Masuku: Distribution of
injected substances in the
arterial blood flow. Proc. Int. Conf. Math. Indust. Zimbabwe,
70-75, 1998.
19. O. D. Makinde: Steady flow and heat transfer in
a diverging tube. A. M.
S. E., Modelling, Simulation & Control, Vol. 67, Nos.
1, 51-63, 1999.
20. O. D. Makinde and K. D. Alagoa: Effect of magnetic field
on steady flow
through an indented channel. A. M. S. E., Modelling, Simulation
& Control, Vol.
68, Nos. 1, 25-32, 1999.
21. O. D. Makinde and G. Tay : Numerical computation of bifurcation
steady flow in a converging channel with accelerating surface.
A. M. S. E.,
Modelling, Simulation & Control, Vol. 68, Nos. 1, 33-44, 1999.
22. O. D. Makinde, A. M. Kagthi and K. Vinayagamoorthy : On
steady MHD
variable viscosity plane-Poiseuille flow. Jour. Inst. Math. Comp.
Sci., Vol. 10, No.
1, 13-22, 1999.
23. O. D. Makinde and E. Kirunda: Effect of temperature dependent
on steady flow in a pipe with moving surface. Jour. Inst. Math.
Comp. Sci., Vol.
10, No. 1,43-50, 1999.
24. O. D. Makinde, P. Sibanda and E. M. Lungu: On suction driven
flow in a
channel filled with porous media. Jour. Inst. Math. Comp. Sci.,
Vol. 10, No. 1,
23-28, 1999.
25. O. D. Makinde and P. Sibanda: High Reynolds Number MHD
steady flow in a
channel of uniform width. Jour. Inst. Math. Comp. Sci., Vol. 10,
No. 2,
105-110, 1999.
26. O. D. Makinde, A. M. Kagthi, M. S. Tshehla and E. Kirunda
: Bifurcation
of the central retinal artery: A mathematical model. Jour. Inst.
Math. Comp.
Sci., Vol. 10, No. 2, 129-144, 1999.
27. O. D. Makinde and A. O. Oduntan: Hemodynamics of the retinal
aneurysms: A
mathematical model. Jurnal Fizik Malaysia, Vol. 20, No. 1&2,
1-6, 1999.
28. O. D. Makinde and P. Sibanda: Steady flow in a diverging
channel: Numerical study of Bifurcation by analytic continuation.
Mathematicae, Vol. 23, 45-57, 2000.
29. O. D. Makinde and P. Sibanda: Fluid dynamics of the sliding
Quaestiones Mathematicae, Vol. 23, 59-66, 2000.
30. O. D. Makinde:Effect of variable viscosity on arterial
blood flow. Far
East Jour. Appl. Maths. Vol. 4, No. 1, 43-58, 2000.
31. O. D. Makinde: Numerical investigation of bifurcation in
flow problem. Zimbabwe Jour. Sc.& Tech. Vol. 1, No. 1, 10-15,
32. O. D. Makinde and T. Chinyoka: A Note on Jeffery-Hamel flow.
Far East Jour.
Appl. Math. Vol. 4, No. 3, 281-293, 2000.
33. O. D. Makinde, A. M. Kgathi, K. Vinayagamoothy, T. Chinyoka
and V. P.
Onyango-Otieno: Suction driven magneto-hydrodynamic flow in a
vertical channel
with variable wall temperature. J. Inst. Math. & Comp. Sci.
Vol. 11, No. 2,
121-131, 2000.
34. V. P. Onyango-Otieno and O. D. Makinde: On a left definite
problem of
Gegenbauer polynomials. Proc. of the 3rd Hanno Rund Conference
on Differential
Equations and Applications, Univ. of Natal Durban, pp. 245 * 263,
35. V. P. Onyango-Otieno and O. D. Makinde: Differential operators
and the
Gegenbauer polynomials: The limit circle case. Far East J. Math.
Sci. Special
Volume-Part I, 17-41, 2001.
36. V. P. Onyango-Otieno and O. D. Makinde: Gegenbauer polynomials
under a
left definite energy norm. Far East J. Math. Sci., Far East J.
Math. Sci.
Special Volume-Part I, 43-65, 2001.
37. O. D. Makinde and T. Chinyoka: Unsteady MHD flow in a porous
channel with
an exponentially decreasing suction. SAMSA Journal, Vol. 1, No.
1, pp1-13,
38. O. D. Makinde: Heat and mass transfer in a pipe with moving
Effects of viscosity variation and energy dissipation. Quaestiones
Vol. 24, 97-108, 2001.
39. O. D. Makinde: MHD steady flow and heat transfer on the
sliding plate.
AMSE-Modelling, Simulation & Control (Accepted and to appear
40. O. D. Makinde: Radiation effects on free convection flow
in a channel of
slowly varying width. AMSE-Modelling, Simulation & Control
(Accepted and to
appear 2001).
41. O. D. Makinde, A. M. Kgathi, K. Vinayagamoothy, P.S. Phele,
V. P.
Onyango-Otieno and E. Kirunda: Biomechanics of topically applied
ophthalmic agents.
AMSE-Modelling, Simulation & Control (Accepted and to appear
42. O. D. Makinde and G. Tay: Natural convection with suction
in a porous
tube AMSE-Modelling, Simulation & Control (Accepted to appear
43. O. D. Makinde: Wall driven steady flow in a tube: An exploitation
perturbation theory. Zimbabwe Jour. Sc.& Tech. Vol. 2, No.
1,(Accepted and to
appear 2001).
44. O. D. Makinde and T. M. Acho: Modern shape approximation
technique for
complicated convex bodies *case study of bispherical and hyperboloidal
coordinate. Jurnal Fizik Malaysia, (Accepted and to appear 2001).
45. O. D. Makinde and S. S. Motsa: Hydromagnetic stability
plane-Poiseuille flow using Chebyshev spectral collocation method.
J. Inst. Math. & Comp. Sci.
Vol. 12, No. 2, (to appear-2001).
46. O. D. Makinde and S. S. Motsa: Hydromagnetic stability of
plane Couette flow. (Far East Journal of Applied Mathematics)
(Submitted 2001).
47. O. D. Makinde and M. J Mango: Unsteady free-convection
flow with suction
on an accelerating porous plate. (A.M.S.E. Modelling & Simulation)
48. O. D. Makinde and S. S. Motsa: Hydrodynamic stability of
channel flow in
the presence of free convection heat transfer. (Quaestiones Mathematicae)
(Submitted 2001).
49. O. D. Makinde and S. S. Motsa: Transient free convection
with thermal
radiation past a porous plate moving through a binary mixture.
Mathematicae) (Submitted 2001).
50. O. D. Makinde, O. Baloyi and V. P. Onyango-Otieno: Hartmann
flow in a
porous channel with heat sources. (Submitted * Nairobi J. of Math.,
Kenya 2001 )
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