Clement Lutterodt

thesis: ; advisor:
area of research: Geometric Analysis
Professor and
Associate Chairman of Mathematics at Howard University
personal or universal URL: http://www.coas.howard.edu/mathematics/faculty/lutt.html
email: clutterodt@howard.edu
postal Address:
Department of Mathematics
Howard University
Washington DC 20059
Dr. Lutterodt has 31 publications. His interests are Rational
and meromorphic approximations in several complex variables
- Lutterodt, C. H., J.B. Ofosu. Mathematical Formulae,
Tables and Statistical Tables; Afram Publications (Ghana, 1978
pp. 85:h
recent unpublished
Stanley M.; Lutterodt, C. H. H. Seydi, Algebraic
Approximation of Holomorphic Vector Bundles on Affine Complex
Algebraic Varieties (1), Acca. Pel. dei Peri, Math. &
Phys. Sci.; 2000 (to appear).
Stanley M.; Lutterodt, C. H. Interpolation
and Approximation on Complex Algebraic Varieties in Pseudoconvex
Domains, 2000 ( to appear)
- Einstein-Matthews,
Stanley M.; Lutterodt, Clement H. Approximation and
interpolation on complex algebraic varieties in pseudoconvex
domains. Israel J. Math. 123 (2001), 189--209.
- Darko, P. W.; Einstein-Matthews,
S. M.; Lutterodt, C. H. On rational approximation
in a ball in $\bold C\sp N$. Int. J. Math. Math. Sci.
24 (2000), no. 5, 335--344.
- Einstein-Matthews,
Stanley M.; Lutterodt, Clement H. Growth of
transcendental entire functions on algebraic varieties. Israel
J. Math. 109 (1999), 253--271.
- Lutterodt, Clement; Einstein-Matthews,
Stanley Rational approximation in logarithmic capacity
of meromorphic maps from $ C\sp n$ to $ C\sp m$.
Approximation theory IX, Vol. I. (Nashville, TN, 1998), 239--245,
Innov. Appl. Math., Vanderbilt Univ. Press, Nashville, TN,
- Lutterodt, Clement; Darko,
Patrick A preliminary approach to a meromorphic approximation
in a strictly pseudoconvex domain. Approximation theory VIII,
Vol. 1 (College Station, TX, 1995), 397--402, Ser. Approx.
Decompos., 6, World Sci. Publishing, River Edge, NJ, 1995.
- Darko, P. W.; Lutterodt,
C. H. Cohomology with $L\sp p$-bounds on polycylinders.
Internat. J. Math. Math. Sci. 18 (1995), no. 3,
- Lutterodt, Clement H. An approach to meromorphic
approximation in a Stein manifold. Approximation theory,
spline functions and applications (Maratea, 1991), 391--403,
NATO Adv. Sci. Inst. Ser. C Math. Phys. Sci., 356, Kluwer
Acad. Publ., Dordrecht, 1992.
- Lutterodt, C. H. A meromorphic extension of Oka-Weil
approximation in a Stein manifold. Complex Variables Theory
Appl. 16 (1991), no. 2-3, 153--162.
- Lutterodt, C. H. Rational approximants of hypergeometric
series in $ C\sp N$. Nonlinear numerical methods
and rational approximation (Wilrijk, 1987), 191--210, Math.
Appl., 43, Reidel, Dordrecht, 1988.
- Lutterodt, C. H. A generalized Oka-Weil approximation
in a polynomial polyhedron in $ C\sp n$. Complex
Variables Theory Appl. 10 (1988), no. 2-3, 101--113.
- Lutterodt, C. H. A Generalization of Oka-Weil Approximation
in a Polynomially Convex Domain in Cn; Approximation Theory
V, 1986, 451 - 453
- Lutterodt, C. H. On convergence of $(µ,\nu)$-sequences
of unisolvent rational approximants to meromorphic functions
in $ C\sp n$. Internat. J. Math. Math. Sci.
8 (1985), no. 4, 641--652.
- Lutterodt, C. H. Meromorphic functions, maps and
their rational approximants in $ C\sp n$. Approximation
theory and spline functions (St. John's, Nfld., 1983), 379--396,
NATO Adv. Sci. Inst. Ser. C Math. Phys. Sci., 136, Reidel,
Dordrecht, 1984.
- Lutterodt, C. H. On a partial converse of the Montessus
de Ballore theorem in $ C\sp{n}$. J. Approx. Theory
40 (1984), no. 3, 216--225.
- Lutterodt, C. H. Rational approximant to meromorphic
maps in $ C\sp{n}$. Approximation theory, IV (College
Station, Tex., 1983), 593--598, Academic Press, New York,
- Lutterodt, Clement H. On uniform convergence for $(µ,\,\nu
)$-type rational approximants in $ C\sp{n}$. II. Internat.
J. Math. Math. Sci. 4 (1981), no. 4, 655--660.
- Lutterodt, C. H. On a Montessus de Ballores Theorem
for Rational Approximants in Cn'; Approximation Theory III,
1980, 606 - 609
- Lutterodt, Clement H. On a theorem of Montessus
de Ballore for $(\nu ,\,µ)$-type rational approximants
in $ C\sp{n}$. Approximation theory, III
(Proc. Conf., Univ. Texas, Austin, Tex., 1980), pp. 603--609,
Academic Press, New York-London, 1980.
- Lutterodt, C. H., Lutterodt, S.A The Scientist
Ghana Needs *| Universitas 6, #2 (Ghana), 1977,
156-163; with .
- Lutterodt, C. H. On Boundaries of Rational Approximants
in Several Variables, Ghana Sci. J. 17 1977.
- Lutterodt, C. H. Rational Approximation by Approximants
in Several Variables, Complex Analysis and Applications
III, ICTP, 1976, 25-34.
- Lutterodt, C. H. Rational Approximants to Holomorphic
functions in n-dimensions; J. Math. Anal. & Applic.
53, 1976, 89-98.
- Lutterodt, C. H. Rational approximation by approximants
in $ C\sp{n}$. Complex analysis and its applications
(Lectures, Internat. Sem., Trieste, 1975), Vol. III, pp.
25--34. Internat. Atomic Energy Agency, Vienna, 1976.
- Lutterodt, C. H. Rational approximants to holomorphic
functions in $n$-dimensions. J. Math. Anal. Appl.
53 (1976), no. 1, 89--98.
- Lutterodt, C. H. How about a career in Mathematics;
J. Math. Assoc. Ghana 16, 1976, 41-47.
- Lutterodt, C. H. Elementary Ideas of a Quotient
Set; J. Math. Assoc., Ghana 16, 1976, 36-40.
- G. John, Lutterodt, C. H. A General Method of Calculating
Rational Approximants in Two Dimensions; J. Math Assoc. Ghana
15, 1975, 27-35.
- Lutterodt, C. H. Addendum to: A two-dimensional
analogue of Padé approximant theory, J. Phys. A 7
(1974), 1027--1037). J. Phys. A 8 (1975), 427--428.
- Lutterodt, C. H. A two-dimensional analogue of
Padé approximant theory. J. Phys. A 7 (1974),
- Lutterodt, C. H. A Brief Outline of Rational Approximations;
J. Math. Assoc. Ghana 14, 1974, 3-17.
- John Bowcock and Lutterodt, C. H. The Construction
of the Scattering Amplitude from the Differential Cross Section
and nearby Singularity in the Cos?- plane: Il Nuovo Cimento
Letters 2, 1971, 1314-1417

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