Dawn A. Lott



BS (1987) Bucknell University; MS, Michigan State University

Ph.D. (1994) Engineering Sciences and Applied Mathematics, Northwestern University
thesis: Adaptive Chebyshev Pseudo-Spectral Approximation for Shear Band Formation in Viscoplastic Materials, advisors Alvin Bayliss and Ted Belytschko.

Associate Professor, Department of Mathematics, Delaware State University

web page:
email: dlott@desu.edu

Phone: (302) 857-7059
Snail Mail: Departments of Biotechnology and Mathematics, Delaware State University, Dover, DE, 19901

After earning her Ph.D., Dr. Lott was a Postdoctoral Research Fellow at the University of Maryland (1994-1997). In 1998 she joined the faculty of the New Jersey Institute of Technology. She has written some valuable advice to graduate students in A Letter to Graduate Students. In 2004, she joined Delaware Stste University as an Associate Professor.

Research: applied mathematics, numerical solutions of partial differential equations: numerical and analytical methods in solid mechanics, nonlinear elasticity/plasticity, hyperbolic equations and numerical studies of human skin.

Dr. Lott has five publications:

  1. Lott, D.A. and Chaudhry, H.R., On the use of infinite elements for the determination of optimal closure patterns based on stress analysis, Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering, 6: 225,234 (2003).
  2. Lott-Crumpler, D.A., Antman, S.S., Szymczak, W.Z., The quasilinear wave equation governing antiplane shearing of nonlinearly elastic bodies, J. Comp. Phys., to appear (2001).
  3. Lott-Crumpler, D.A. and Chaudhry, H.R. Optimal patterns for suturing wounds of complex shapes to foster healing, J. Biomechanics, 34:51-58 (2001)
  4. Lott-Crumpler, D.A., The formation and properties of shear bands, Modell. Simul. Mat. Sci. Eng. 5 : 317-336 (1997).
  5. Bayliss, A., Belytschko, T., Kulkarni, M. and Lott-Crumpler, D.A., On the dynamics and the role of the imperfection for localization in thermo-viscoplastic materials, Modell. Simul. Mat. Sci. Eng. 2 : 941-962 (1994).


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