Tor A. Kwembe
Born: 1955; place: Gboko, Nigeria
B. Sc. (1980) Mathematics/Statistics University of Calabar, Calabar, Nigeria; M.S. Mathematics (1983) University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Ph.D. (1989) Applied Mathematics The University of Illinois at Chicago
thesis: Nonlinear Diffusion Problems of Mathematical Biology; Advisor:Professor of Mathematics and Computer Science Chicago State University
personal or universal URL:
email: tkwembe@csu.eduFrom 1989 Dr. Kwembe held various positions at the University of Illinois at Chicago. Since 1990, Dr. Kwembe has been with the department Mathematics and Computer Science, at Chicago State University. In 1998 he became Professor. He has directed 8 Masters Degree Theses.
Selected Publications
- "Nonlinear Diffusion Problems of Mathematical Biology", U. of Michigan Press, Ann Arbor, 1989.
- "On the Classical Trapping Problem", with C. P. Calderon, Journal of Mathematical Biosciences 102: 183-190 (1990).
- "Modeling Tumor Growth", with C. P. Calderon, Journal of Mathematical Biosciences 103: 97-114 (1991).
- "Existence and Uniqueness of Solutions for Nonlinear Diffusion Equations of Population Biology with Initial Data in LP-Spaces", Rev. Union Matematica Argentina, Vol. 36: 195-207 (1990).
- "Dispersal Models", with C. P. Calderon, Rev. Union Matematica Argentina, Vol. 37: 212-229 (1991).
- "Variational Principles in Biology", with C. P. Calderon, Rev. Union Matematica Argentina, Vol. 37: 16-23 (1991).
- "Diverse Ideas in Modeling Tumor Growth", with C. P. Calderon, Acta Cientifica Venezolana, Vol. 43; No. 2: 64-75 (1992).
- "The Initial Boundary Value Problems for the Semilinear Diffusion Equations with Data in LP-Spaces", Applicable Analysis-An International Journal, Vol. 72(1-2): 205-228 (1999).
- "A Remark on the Existence and Uniqueness of Solutions of a Semilinear Parabolic Equation", Journal of Nonlinear Analysis: Theory, Methods and Application. Vol. 50/3: 425-432 (2002).
- "Existence and Uniqueness of Global Solutions of the Parabolic Equation for the Bi-Harmonic Type", Proceedings of the IIIrd World Congress of Nonlinear Analysts: Journal of Nonlinear Analysis: Series A Theory and Methods. Vol. 42/2: 1321-1332 (2001).
- " The Initial Value Second Order Nonlinear Parabolic Equation with data in space"- Nonlinear Studies, Vol. 8, No. 2, 249 259 (2001).
- "A selection of an elementary algorithm for optimization of phosphorus level in chicken diet"(Program Abstract); Fifth SIAM conference on control and its applications", San Diego, California, CT01page 211 212, July 11-14, 2001.
- "Variational principles and time-optimal control of biological systems: A theoretical perspective on the inhibition mechanisms in the dynamics of tumor necrosis and leukemia";(Program Abstract) International Conference on Dynamics of Continuous, Discrete and Impulsive Systems, London, Canada, page 124, July 27-31, 2001.
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