Akry Koulibaly
Birthplace: Burkina Faso
Doctorat Université de Montpellier II 1984
thesis: Contributions à la théorie des algèbres de Malcev; Advisor: Artibano MicaliArea of Research Interests: Cohomological Algebra
:Akry Koulibaly is on the faculty of the University of Ouagadou, Burkina Faso
Dr. Akry Koulibaly works in Cohomological Algebra and has published 13 papers.
Idéaux premiers dans une algèbre de Malcev, (French) [Prime ideals in a Maltsev algebra] Arch. Math. (Basel) 44 (1985), 147--151.
Algèbre enveloppante et cohomologie des bimodules de Malcev, (French) [Enveloping algebra and cohomology of Maltsev bimodules] Afrika Matematica 9 (1987), 45--56.
(with Kalifa Traoré) On the cohomology of Mal\cprime tsev algebras [Algebras Groups Geom.\ {\bf 7} (1990), 345--365], (French) Nonassociative algebras and related topics (Hiroshima, 1990), 115--127, World Sci. Publishing, River Edge, NJ, 1991.
(with Luiz Antonio de Capua and Artibano Micali) Autour des algèbres de Mal\cprime cev, (French) [On Maltsev algebras] Riv. Mat. Pura Appl. No. 8 (1991), 29--40.
(with Saliou Touré and Kalifa Traoré) Sur la cohomologie des algèbres de Mal\cprime cev. II, (French) [On the cohomology of Maltsev algebras. II] Algebras Groups Geom. 9 (1992), 15--27.
(with Artibano Micali and Moussa Ouattara) Dupliquée d'une algèbre et le théorème de Whitehead, (French) [The duplicate of an algebra and the Whitehead theorem] Indag. Math. (N.S.) 5 (1994), 341--351.
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