Nathaniel Knox
Born: 1942
place: Lugoff, South Carolina
BS Mathematics Benedict College, 1964 ; MAT Duke University, 1968
University of South Carolina, 1974
thesis: The Inverse Semigroup Coproduct of a Non-Empty Collection of Groups; advisor:Associate Dean School of Computer, Mathematical, and Natural Sciences and Professor of Mathematics, Morgan State University
Personal home page:
email: knox@morgan.eduIn 1964, Nathaniel Knox earned a B. S. (Mathematics) from Benedict College and an M.A.T. from Duke University (1968). Until 1969, Nathaniel Knox taught in high school. In 1974 he earned a Ph.D. in Mathematics at the University of South Carolina. From 1974 to 1977 Dr. Knox was Assistant Professor of Mathematics at Tennessee State University. Since 1977 Dr. Knox has been Associate Professor of Mathematics at Morgan State University and was Chair of the Mathematics and Computer Science Department at Morgan State University from 1981 to 1987 and 1990 to 1993.
From 1980 until 1996, Nathaniel Knox was Principle Investigator of seven grants. He published:
Knox, N. The Inverse Hull of the Free Semigroup on a Set X, Semigroup Forum, (16), 3 (1978), 345-354.
A. Nkwanta and N. Knox, A Note on Riodan Matrices, Contemporary Mathematics Series, AMS 252 (1999) 99-107.
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