Orville Edward Kean
Born: 1938; birth place: St. Thomas, US Virgin Islands
BS (1959) Lincoln University; MS (1961) University of Michigan
Ph.D. (1971) Mathematics University of Pennsylvania
thesis: Abstract Horn Theories; Advisor: Peter Freydarea: Category Theory and Logic
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email:In 1959, Kean graduated salutatorian from Lincoln University with a B.A. in mathematics. He earned his M.S., also in mathematics, from the University of Michigan at Ann Arbor in 1961, after which he returned home to St. Thomas to teach high school at his alma mater. In 1966, after a short stint as Director of Research and Statistics for the Virgin Islands Department of Social Welfare, Kean joined the faculty of what was then called the College of the Virgin Islands, as Assistant Professor of Mathematics.
In 1971, following a leave of absence to study, Kean was awarded his doctorate in mathematical logic and category theory from the University of Pennsylvania. Between 1976 and 1978 he took a second leave of absence from the University and served as Director of Policy Planning and Research Office in the Virgin Islands Department of Commerce.
During his years of distinguished service to the University, Kean has served as Associate Professor of Mathematics and Professor of Mathematics; as Vice Chair of the Science and Mathematics Division; as Acting Director of the Caribbean Research Institute; Dean of Instruction; Acting Vice President for Academic Affairs; and as Executive Vice President.
From 1984 to 1991, Dr. Orville Edward Kean was Director of the Eastern Caribbean Center which facilitates educational, technical, cultural and scientific exchange between the University and the nations and territories of the Eastern Caribbean. In that capacity, Kean helped lay the groundwork which has contributed to the internationalization of the University of the Virgin Islands, a priority he identified on becoming third president of the University of the Virgin Islands in October 1990. Dr. Keane retired from president in 2002.
Dr. Kean has served on many boards, commissions, and councils. Current affiliations include President, Association of Caribbean Universities and Research Institutes and Smithsonian Associates; the Council of Presidents and the Board on Community and World Relations of the National Association of State Universities and Land-Grant Colleges; International Association of University Presidents; American Association of Higher Education; Black Caucus for the American Association of Higher Education; Journal of Eastern Caribbean Studies Advisory Board; Mathematical Association of America; and the American Association for the Advancement of Science, among others.
SUMMA Keane web site: http://www.maa.org/summa/archive/KeanO.htm
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